bulletin witch

RIP booty daimyo

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it’s cool everyone liam just patched the rooms back in



I dunno if the thread’s accessible for non-subscribers but several of the Barkley 2 ex-team members have been giving their own accounts of what’s happened on the somethingawful forum and it’s a sad but interesting read.


looks like i can read it

this got me fucked up

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I would rather have mismanagement performance art than a game at this point and I’m a little surprised that 10000 unused gun sprites isn’t exactly what everyone wanted

videogame fans are so narrow minded


I 100% felt like I got my kickstarter money’s worth when one of the updates was just “mystical greetings, we’re porting the game to Linux”

I remember reading that in an ikea and cracking up


im enjoying the enthusiasm around the DARK DRAKERS

This is also about the time when I discovered the Dark Drakers, which soured the whole thing further. Dark Draker is a filler character in B2 who talks about being faster than the snapping maw of a drake. I discovered that an entire areas worth of NPC’s were just carbon copies of Dark Draker with a different name given to each, AKA the illusion of work being done. Just these 10% finished NPC’s basically littering the project to make it seem like it was all good. I suppose the plan was to eventually make them into distinct NPC’s but the problem was that the whole game was plagued by the Dark Drakers, and they GREATLY attributed to the poo poo compile times. I also discovered/was told about some of the more hidden mechanics of the game which can only be described as the concoction of a lunatic. For example, two separate ingame time system both dictating quests and NPC behavior (with NPC’s also being dictated by quest variables, items the player has etc.), leading to impossible to fix content. Thank the lord one of these system was later discarded.

i smell a fan game


it’s not unheard of for level designers to make filler NPCs; everything’s copy-pasted at first

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just skip to the jodorowsky’s dune phase of mailing each of the backers one unique printout of a gun sprite


it sucks that people joined the project who apparently took Liam’s enthusiasm at face value and now feel betrayed but also… how…

I also discovered/was told about some of the more hidden mechanics of the game which can only be described as the concoction of a lunatic. For example, two separate ingame time system both dictating quests and NPC behavior (with NPC’s also being dictated by quest variables, items the player has etc.), leading to impossible to fix content. Thank the lord one of these system was later discarded.

The combat in the game was always too complicated, too ambitious, and criminally ignored. It was a total disgrace, and I did bring this up a few times, but ToG didn’t seem to give a hoot, or there was always some excuse why it shouldn’t be worked on right now. There was too many “affixes” for the guns, there were too many types of gun, there were too many gun materials, too much everything basically.

Going into deep depression over never being able to play this Kawazu-bullshit


bull shit


I think I took four passes at cutting gear attributes from Kraken and I still think I should have cut more


They updated the KS page just now. There’s at least a 2 or 3 people still there chipping away at it. Sounds grim though.

Update #35
JUNE 3, 2019


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I’m happy that GZ clearly was able to get back to work on his own projects in the last month or two.


i will never understand how people put money up on kickstarter think theyre promisef qnything


It does not sound like they were betrayed by enthusiasm, it sounds like they were berated for not being able to perform miracles of work in a limited time for free, got so miserable they lost pretty much all hope, and finally, thankfully, quit.

GZ is a super nice, quiet, quietly weird dude. He signed on to work with his friends on the sequel to a game he & they made together. Bort had to leave for really important life reasons; maybe cboy did as well, I haven’t talked to him in a few years but I don’t think it’s been going great. That left GZ, Laz, Frankie, and the rest of the team being managed by someone who had no experience with this sort of project management and no real existing relationship with the team members, who nonetheless seems to have sole ownership of it all. Not a great set of circumstances. I hope the project’s salvageable by people with the time and energy to deal with it.

But I don’t know. I’m entirely external to this project. If I’m speaking out of turn let me know and I will delete.