bulletin witch

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This Time It’s Really The Last Of Us


the last one


Denver The Last Dinosaur


The Last Guy


So Celeste got a patch today and it added in a free new chapter at the end that adds about 100 new rooms and apparently it is much harder than anything else in the game and I spent an hour today dying 415 times passing the chapter 6 b-side so if the 7 & 8 b-sides are harder than that, and then there are the c-sides which are a further step beyond that, and now there is a ninth chapter beyond even those…

I used the word “and” a lot there.


Yeah, it’s too hard. I’ve been stuck at the beginning of the third screen for 15 minutes. It’s already as hard as the C sides. Pretty, though.

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The Last of Utz


I thought the Celeste dev’s Mario’s Maker levels were incredibly unpleasant to play. I just outright loathed every single one. This is something I’ve kept bottled up inside me for 2 months now and I am finally letting loose in a public forum: I think the Celeste developer is terrible at Mario, even though a single one of their Marios has more favs than all my courses put together and multipled by 40. Sometimes a hundred thousand gamesoft fans can be wrong.

Celeste was good though. I mean I’m unable to play it for more than 10 minutes at a time cuz there’s something about dying in it that really fucking upsets me but it’s a good game yeah.


Does any of the Celeste dev’s levels have Mario toot if he crouches?

Because that’s the metric you’ve set that I now judge all Mario Maker levels by.

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the last of canada

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one of them

gooble gobble

wait so divinity original sin 2 is just on the switch now? what

yeah they’re trying to make it so you can put any game you can think of in that sentence i guess


no one realized this because we were all destroyed by the Deadly Premonition 2 announcement that came immediately before the D:OS2 drop

do you think deadly premonition 2 will be more artificially weird because they know exactly what people are expecting from a deadly premonition, or do you think its weirdness will still be sort of organic-feeling?

D4, unfortunately, answers in the affirmative. I think the best hope is, in building a town simulation, they return to thinking through interconnected relationships and schedules and allow the player to poke through them, to ground the experience.

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