My life would be so different if my name was Todd
Play Toddhand
Play Lars Matrix
as a gamer, i too enjoy playing sudoku with carol vorderman
Has anyone done “New Kids on the Blockchain” yet?
oh no
oh heh
haha john mcafee is in it so
Christian side hug, but for fucking
Toby Fox is short for Toblerone Foxworth
Yangtze Doodle Dandy
No Nut November immediately following Oatober makes for the longest I’ve gone without almond milk for a long time
No nut, no vember
No nut, November?
Remember, remember
the no nut November
willpower, reason, no thots
No!, Nut November!
the plural of “reply guy” is “mention mentlegen”
mention menschen?
new denim guy: stovepipe jeans and stovepipe hat
guy whose car has two bumper stickers saying “WARIO is my WIFE” and “I love BBW (Big Beautiful Wario)”
when it’s a beautiful day out and you
riesz witherspoon