Bloodborne October/November Book Club

lol i think i bought nice headphones for my ps4 because my partner (rightfully) couldn’t take the constant screaming by the last dlc boss


i like about half the dlc bosses a lot.

the last one i definitely don’t.

Well I finally beat the chalice boss tonight. Not that they were impossible just had never finished the challice content.

Now beat the game twice over and claim my plat.

I just read this whole thread as I am currently having to deal w/ the blood-starved beast and

it seems like your daydreams might have powerful effects!


I beat the BSB. Buy the Yharnam hunter set from the Bath Messenger for heavily increased poison resistance. go in with plenty of Vials, summon Alfred, and use that ‘Dodge Left’ strategy and he went down fairly easily.

Geist’s posts in this thread way up there are pretty dumb btw, I feel like that never got said and I want to say it

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i am still playing Sekiro, but i was already in the middle of a Bloodborne replay and also playing Hollow Knight when it came out, so i’m just alternating between these 3 pretty tough games as the mood takes me. i AM the difficulty discourse

One thing i’m appreciating about Bloodborne that i didn’t on my first pass is how the game subtly pumps you up and encourages you to take risks. Contrast Dark Souls which usually starts you off in a hub area with the crestfallen warrior, who moans about how hopeless and confusing your quest is; his equivalent in BB is Gehrman telling you to just go hunt and not overthink things (which is, of course, most convenient for him and his motives). In Souls you are positioned to treat everything cautiously and appreciate the danger every monster represents to you, whereas in Bloodborne you are the thing that the monsters need to be afraid of. (Or at least you are at first.) I think this is one reason why i am willing to throw myself at the game even when it’s really difficult, because it is constantly reaffirming “I am a badass hunter and I can handle this”. Which is why it’s so perfect that the threats you face continue to escalate way, way beyond your original remit, until you’re basically running scared through the last few areas.

I also rarely gun parried my first time through the game, whereas now i’m going out of my way to do parries and visceral attacks as much as possible. It feels great and combining it with the runes that increase your blood echoes when you get visceral attacks makes level gaining stupidly easy. I would advise anyone starting the game for the first time to pick the hunter pistol and not the blunderbuss, the pistol makes it so much easier to figure out which frames you need to hit an enemy in order to stun them for the visceral.
I am at Cainhurst atm and boy is it fun/awesome shooting ghosts in the face and ripping their ectoplasm out

(This is probably all stuff that’s obvious to everyone else who’s played the game already, i’ve only played through once and have been perpetually behind on the conversation when it comes to Bloodborne, oh well)


It would’ve been nice if the game had ever at any point hinted that this was a thing you could or were supposed to do, but soulsbourne obfuscation etc

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There’s like a whole internet for stuff like that.
i walk into these games expecting “share info with the community and create a knowledge base out of these unexplained mechanics” to be a feature, not a bug, and i have that expectation because people in this community said as much about Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls so, idk man :woman_shrugging:

It’s the same basic principle as parrying in the games without guns — hit them when they’re about to hit you — except because it’s a gun you can do it from further away, so it’s safer to do. The tradeoff is just that it costs a resource and you might not get the riposte. Actually, once i realized the risk was lower in this way, i got way better at performing them.

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Not me I tell everyone to look up the way blacksmithing works (but only the way blacksmithing works) in Demon’s cuz it’s a wack time investment ratio

Anyway the other souls games have a little tutorial message thing that at least tells you about the existence of parrying, that’s all I wanted

i never again want to see anyone here complain about tutorial levels


I’m not going to blame Cuba for missing a pathetic implementation of a fairly weak tutorial system

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too bad, he’s done in this here town


People here like fromsoft games because they don’t explain anything directly in obvious forced tutorials, but also they hate fromsoft games for not explaining anything in obvious forced tutorials

i will never understand how selectbutton, the games community that thinks about games from obtuse angles, thinks.

i can’t imagine that they expected you to wander around the enemy-free dreamworld you get warped into the first time an enemy kills you. What a wild idea, that you would pick up your first weapon and try it out in an environment where you can’t be harmed by anything.


like jeez maybe wander into the first level where the first enemy guy you see immediately attacks frantically every time you see him with his “attacks frantically” animation and shoot him next time you see him do it and see what happens, before you run to the internet and yell about how Bloodborne just throws you in without teaching you anything

easy big fella

  1. i am not being a super serious angry person. i just think it is ridiculous how much attention is paid to the way games obviously spell out their playstyle vs how little attention is paid to our own engagement. Like c’mon lol parries are straight up spelled out in the hub area of this game, and i feel confident saying we generally hold games that don’t spell themselves out on a pedestal; you would have to be actively ignoring the game to miss that

  2. i am not a fella and do not fucking call me big fella again thanks

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my bad, I meant to be mildly patronizing but I didn’t realize that was gendered

Maybe just don’t be patronizing Felix

I don’t know I think you kind of earned it

Please explain why you think so.