best videogames of year 2017

I didn’t buy a lot of new games in 2017 and the games I did buy I didn’t play a lot of. So this is mostly freeware or donationware.

One. Nier Automata
Two. Hanano Puzzle 2
Three. Baba Is You (expanded/much more complex version coming in 2018, but I really adore the original game jam version too)
Four. Subara City (released a few years ago for mobile but released on 3DS in 2017)
Five. Tiny Heist (released A YEAR AGO TODAY)

The game’s I’ve probably played the most are–and will continue to be, likely, forever–Spelunky and Downwell. Spelunky is my game of the year all years.

I also am still playing Persona 5, but I have a lot of complaints and am actually struggling to get myself to finish it. I don’t love it enough to throw on a top games list.

Also, I released a game called Explobers and it’s my best game to date, so I’m plugging it here because I’m shameless.