Being Attitude for Gains (gym thread)

5x5 is good enough for general ab wellness.

Yeah all compound lifts will hit your abs. Generally specific ā€œab workoutsā€ are frowned upon.

Is that so? I had no idea.

To clarify, Iā€™m looking for something that targets the ab area in addition to the 5x5. Iā€™m not going to stop with that, just want to see if I can complement it.

Yeah thatā€™s actually specifically whatā€™s frowned upon. If youā€™re doing complex lifts right, youā€™re already crushing your abs. A separate ab workout that somehow doesnā€™t engage your other muscles would either be 1. ineffective or 2. treading on the rest time your abs need as a result of the normal lifts.

Aha, I get it.
So I should be covered with just the 5x5 huh


I am a fat sloth though so what do I know from personal experience. Nothing.

Well, uh, you can do some crazy ab workouts. They all look fucking insane though.

Fun ones include: situps with your arms above your head. Situps with weight in your hands with your arms above your head. Throwing that weight to another person also doing situps for some uber macho precursor to Acro Yoga. Thereā€™s also a lot of other things involving other things that are literally crunching or bicycling or anything that looks like a combination of situps, heavy things, and awkward positions. Canā€™t guarantee your safety, though!

Seriously, though, if youā€™re looking for core strength 5x5 is good enough. 5x5 plus a lot of crunches is great. This is the point where you just start feeling out how your body feels, tho. Or do the Bruce Lee thing and shock your abs for 6 hours a day while reading books on motivation.

If youā€™re looking to get cut and have six packs on six packs because you feel like you want to be as six packed as the people you want to lay then just stop drinking the beers. I can also give you my personal diet plan that you can carefully read and if you do the complete opposite you should be good to go.

On a side note, how do we bro out about this stuff without being bros? Physical health is great but my brain constantly goes to places like this and itā€™s so right and wrong at the same time. :frowning:

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is it reasonable to do bench and overhead presses every other day, and pushups/planks/squats the other half of the time? or am i going to risk preventing damaged muscles from healing and getting stronger? i want this split to work, because one half requires me to go to the gym and the other half doesnā€™t, but iā€™m worried my shoulders and back wonā€™t get any rest this way.

my achilles tendons didnā€™t develop right as a kid, and iā€™m hoping that i can eventually get it to stretch out far enough that i can do a proper squat with my heels touching the ground. thatā€™s been holding me back a lot. iā€™ve got pretty good arms at this point, transplanted onto the body of a slowly melting wax candle.

Iā€™d recommend you do those 2 days back to back and then a rest day, for a 3-day cycle, but

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I did this for a while and then quit because baby. But I am getting even fatter in the middle/more noodly on the top and that canā€™t stand so Iā€™m restarting this terrible exercise regimen.

It is terrible because 1) I cannot go to a gym. 2) the home weight set I have maxes at 100 lbs for barbell and 50 lbs for dumbbell. 3) I have to work out in my basement, and I canā€™t stand up straight and extend my hands fully above my head.

Canā€™t benchpress cause whatā€™s the point of benching 100 lbs. Canā€™t deadlift cause whatā€™s the point of deadlifting 100 lbs.

Every other day, alternating A and B.

100 jumping jacks
4x10ish pushups (yesterday I did 15, 12, 10, 8)
4x10 lunges 100 lbs (one set = 5 each leg)
4x30 dumbbell row (one set = 15 each arm) (I should probably just do a barbell row instead)

100 jumping jacks
4x10 overhead press 100 lbs (while seated, thanks low ceiling)
4x10 squats 100 lbs (should probably do more reps)
4x10 bicep curl 100 lbs (stupid exercise but what else am I gonna put in there)

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Yeah if you want less noodley arms you should do more pushups and arm shit. Once I do a move in the fall Iā€™m gonna start on the 100 pushup challenge. The fat middle is really just you eating too much.


Are you under 100lbs? If not you can just do pushups and get 90% of the same workout.

Yeah I mean I weigh like 260 probably a pushup is way more of a bench than a 100 lb bench.

Yeah but this is all I got. I have a bad upper body strength : height+weight ratio (thanks dad) so thatā€™s really my limit on pushups. (The last set was 8 because it was to exhaustion. When I was doing this workout solid I could do 20, 15, 10, 10.)

Well sure no shit but when I was doing this regular I was burning more calories and had a slightly more buff upper. Slightly more upper + slightly less middle = a much better overall shape

Burning enough calories to look good is extraordinarily hard. A can of Coke is like 2 kilometers. If you eat a Big Mac you have to run for an hour. But the worst part isnā€™t that itā€™s an hour running to get rid of a burger. The worst part is that you have no idea where your body will decide to remove those calories. Subtraction is determined mostly by the alignment of stars and/or usually comes from the places on your extremities (e.g. not your gut).

I have a friend who had a hard time with chest exercises. He got the most benefit from pyramiding. Ramp up your sets of pushups from stupid easy to very difficult within the span of ~5 sets. Iā€™m guessing from your numbers you want to start aiming for will be 5, 8, 10, max, max. Tweak this so that as you do it every other or every third day (Iā€™m guessing you know to rest) your numbers for max go up a lot. Eventually youā€™ll be doing something like 10, 15, 20, 50, 40.

The ā€œeasiestā€ thing to do is eat less or eat cleaner. Personally I think that sucks the joy out of life, but I am a person who values tickling my primal urges, so whatever.

Good luck dude. Also, uh, donā€™t worry too much about looking like youā€™re in good shape. Get buff enough to do the physically intensives things you want, slim down to wear nice clothes, and enjoy not being unhealthy. If I recall correctly youā€™re married. Just make sure boo is attracted to you and donā€™t stress too hard about whether your upper body is bigger than your lower body.

Dude I appreciate all the earnest advice but I know whatā€™s up. This is my heavily compromised shabby fits my lifestyle workout. I know what itā€™s good for and what it isnā€™t.

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this was a reply to me, right?

yeah pushups are still enough of a challenge for me and i guess they work more or less the same muscles as bench presses(ā€¦? i donā€™t feel like googling this). i actually started doing bench presses as a way to work up to pushups, because when i started I couldnā€™t manage to do one. now i can do, like, ten. thatā€™s still not great, but exponential growth is a thing with rep counts anyway.

i am somewhere between 160 and 180 lbs, i think (i havenā€™t checked in a long time and donā€™t know if i want to know), but thatā€™s not terrible because iā€™m 6ā€™3".

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oh, i was at 160 exactly today! damn. that is good, and iā€™ve barely been dieting at all. i am sexy as hell

So Iā€™ll see this as the health thread for a moment, not just strictly working out. Iā€™m trying to quit smoking. As probably everyone and their grandparents know, itā€™s the best thing you can do for your health. Iā€™m having a really hard time. I started in February and itā€™s really enoughā€¦ Iā€™m developing a cough and thatā€™s where I draw the line. I just keep going back again and again for just one last cigarette. Itā€™s terrible. Anyway. Iā€™m posting this in hopes that itā€™ll help me quit for good. Tell people about my goal. Supposedly that helps!

Another thing is I want to reduce my body fat. And as everybody and their grandparents begins to realize, working out doesnā€™t really help there. You control about 30 per cent of your caloric output but 100 per cent of the input. So what I want to try is to have a fasting day three times a week. I think Iā€™ll find that the easiest way to control how much Iā€™m eating. Given that I can stop stuffing my face on the fasting days and not overeat on the regular days. Today is the first fast day, actually. Wish me luck I guess??

Good luck. Tell us how it goes. Iā€™ve been reading about intermittent fasting and I was thinking of trying it for a period.