A Retarius draws near. Commander? [An EDF Vth Wing Diver Logbook]

Why wouldn’t you get it?

These Screenshots are not able to tell even half the truth of what’s going on 90% of the time.

~The EDF deploooooooys~


Whelp, I own this now though I will start playing it tomorrow.

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I also have EDF 5 now. The discount was timed perfectly, just as I reached my arbitrary goal for 4.1. Which was to complete the game on Normal with all four classes. (I did two of them online and two offline.)

One time in EDF 4.1, I called in a vehicle and a stampede of spiders kept me from reaching it right away. When I did, I found that it was flipped upside-down.

I could still get inside, but of course the wheels just spun ineffectually and I couldn’t go anywhere.

Another time, the king of the dragons repeatedly knocked my vehicle (with me inside) from one side of the map to the other. The view reminded me of SimCity as I flew through the air.

I hope it’s okay that I posted some 4.1 screenshots in the 5 thread. I will presumably have some 5 screenshots in the future.


of course that’s OK.

It’s really fun to turn the tables on the larger enemies. All their legs just sort of flail bonelessly as they pinwheel across the ground, egged on by more explosions.

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I like EDF 5 so far. Here are some specific things that I think it improves over 4.1:

  • Weapons have levels for their stats, and picking up the same weapon with higher stats upgrades the one you have. This allows you to use a favorite weapon longer, and also makes the list of duplicate weapons collected less disappointing.
  • When you complete a level at a difficulty other than Easy, you get the “medals” for all lower difficulties as well. (This is ultimately meaningless, but I guess generous in a way.)
  • Damage to enemies is more visceral. I don’t know that EDF really needed to be a little more gory, but it is.
  • You can equip “support items” to run faster, expand your pick-up radius, etc.
  • All classes heal NPC followers when picking up healing items.
  • You get some of the items that you picked up even when you fail a mission.
  • Although the armor and weapons you collect are mostly for the class you are playing, some are distributed to the other classes.
  • As mentioned above by SUPERSONNICK, you can get in a random non-military vehicle, drive around, and honk the horn.
  • You start out as a civilian and they explain what your job is and why you happen to be at the base.

Some things that I think are worse in EDF 5:

  • The talking parts, both the writing and the voice acting. The lines seem to be intentionally more over-the-top, and I just don’t find them as amusing.
  • The tutorial. A tutorial is not necessarily a bad thing to include, but this is one of those drawn-out ones where someone tells you to jump and then praises you for it. (I kind of wish they had done more with the part where you do not yet have a weapon, though.)
  • The Wing Diver’s suit. After formally joining the EDF, you apparently must turn in your pants.

This is super nice considering that if you wanted to 100% the old games (nobody ever should do this), you ended up needing to play each mission on Easy, which was boring af.

I don’t think this is totally true. There are support items for the classes that let you do this, but unless you have one equipped, they don’t get healed. However, at certain points in missions, some NPCs do get to basically get revived for the sake of the story.

Some of them are good, some are not. The jokes about “illegal immigration” are particularly tone deaf, though.

The good news is that I think if you finish any difficulty, you can get the other wing diver suit back. But yeah, the new one is not great.


finally got this during the discount and i appreciate that sandlot realized that 4.1 ran too well so they decided to add in a bunch of unoptimized limb removal and weather effects to crank that frame rate lower. seems like there will never be a pc port at this rate either


They remembered that Insect Armageddon was, well, Armageddon to their well-honed formula, learned the lesson and improved at the right bits n bolts, and stuck to what made the series great.

And added more critters.
I love it!
iirc, mission 37 or 38 is my fav so far…

playing this reminded me that iron rain comes out in ten days and it turns out that it’s the honey i shrunk the kids game i always wanted

I am really curious how Iron Rain is going to turn out, but having been burnged by IA, I will probably hold off until I see some decent reviews of it.

Thanks to a generous online rando who decided to show me a good place to grind some high level gear, I am working my way through Ranger hard mode pretty quickly right now. I am on like mission 55 or so.

I particularly like the pill bugs, which I encountered for the first time last night.


Die anyone get Iron Rain? I got Iron Rain.

The flip cover is okay I guess.

And… it’s an EDF game. Seems to use a new engine but feels very similar. I wanted it to be different. But it’s not really. Doesn’t have the newest EDF5 tech like shooting off limbs, but looks a bit better, slightly smoother framerate, still lots of giant alien ants. Maybe not quite as many. Cutscenes in-between missions and narration in missions that could’ve been cheesier but showed some reasonable attempts at cheese. Sometimes there’s mission objectives like defend the base, but overall game structure and feel is identical.

There are some more pronounced changes of course, like the “overdrive mode” you can trigger once a mission (makes you go fast (move, shoot, reload) for a while and dash/fly infinitely) and the ability to bring items into battle. Deciding to bring turrets or health restorers or overdrive refills adds much appreciated choice. I felt somewhat smart when I combined an overdrive refill with a supply drop to trigger overdrive up to three times per mission to maximize peak alien annihilation efficiency.

Also, weapons can be equipped by every class now. Want your Wing Diver to handle a shotgun? Off you go! Fencers get two! (They automatically dual-wield every weapon, but also inexplicably lost their ability to dash, in exchange for an energy shield, which makes them even more tank-like than ever before and I just don’t have the patience.) I mostly went at it with the Ranger, who’s a little more interesting to play this time because their dashes are now also limited by drawing power from their “maneuver gear”. Speaking of which, the fourth class is pretty much a nod to Attack on Titan and really fun to toy around (I mean defend earth) with. (Also adds enemy mounts like ants as an overdrive summon to ride and climb buildings with. Was a bit much to take in for me, actually.)

Weapons are now bought with collectable resources that replace the dropped weapon boxes, mimicking the system in Zangeki no Reginleiv. It’s good and bad. Less random for sure, but stuff gets expensive and most weapons I unlocked were inferior sidegrades. I actually got through most of the game using the standard assault rifle + grenade launcher combo (bringing the sniper rifle along for some dropship levels). It wasn’t until very late in the game that I got some of the higher tiered stuff like laser cannons, but they did kick satisfying amounts of alien butt.

Game’s also not nearly as long as EDF5 (or even 4 (or even 2)). Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in my book. Levels did feel a little more restricted in scope too though, like maybe the maps were smaller? Less enemy waves overall? Sure didn’t feel as drawn out as some of the latest entries in the series.

Oh yeah, you can customize your character now. I was a bad ass old lady with a mohawk and EDF shirt. You can be too!

So yeah, do I regret spending almost 100 bucks on an Asian English physical copy that is basically a prettied-up decade old PS2 budget title? Maybe. Maybe not? There’s enough new stuff that made me look at EDF in new and exciting ways, even if I would very much appreciate the series to venture further from its path, especially in a gaiden episode. This was an ideal opportunity to go for something different. At least it’s still a good EDF. Don’t worry selectbutts, this is no Insect Armageddon. But it’s no Zangeki no Reginleiv either.

Can’t help but think they are stupid to not release this physically in the West at a lower price. But digital-only 60$ (90$ with DLC) so close to EDF5? Anyway, I just ordered an Asian copy of EDF5 as well because I am stupid (in love) and will maybe also get an Asian PS+ voucher to do some co-opping later. (Metal Gear Survive is free on the Hongkong network for plus subs this month, if anyone is interested (probably no one is)). So long. EDF!EDF!



heeeeellllll yeah. let’s fight frogmen on pc!

Huh, Tim didn’t know EDF2 had an alternative control option.

My favorite EDF2 moments were standing on top of vehicles in 2 player co-op.
Shooting Godzilla with a rocket launcher while standing on a buddy who was riding a bike was the best.



an old live action promo for the vita release of edf 3