A neat thing (Cool Websites Thread)


Drag your cursor around and the image changes along with its dimensions


How hi-res can this get?

Not very hi-res, it seems like

This is blowing my mind. Am I tripping?

Another neat thing. This is now a neat internet things thread


Experience vintage computer viruses in a safe, emulated environment

The Malware Museum is pretty cool!

The pixel thing…it just seems like responsive design but with art that looks like pixel art? I guess it took some effort, but it’s not really blowing my mind…

this is really cool! The zeus one is great!

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Watch 'em go

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Yo this game kinda fuckin’ rules and y’all should try it out

http://pelagios.dme.ait.ac.at/maps/greco-roman/ for @Father.Torque?

From my bookmarks, here’s a neat piece explaining in relatively non-technical English about the particular set of color tricks used in a recent 1000+ color CGA demo.


For all the hacker types, I guess

This seems like it would be fun to reimplement.

I guess a lot of websites do the “scroll down and the page transforms without you clicking anything” thing now but this is both an interesting subject and an especially satisfying one to just sorta idly play with. Especially if your mouse has a really clicky scroll wheel like mine :3

A lil gamelet that you can play to take in some nice sights and sounds. There are some easter-eggy interactions to be had, if you’ve got the patience to poke around for a few extra minutes:


Thank you based @21012

http://www.bewitched.com/chess/ play chess against a computer with a visual overlay showing you just how many moves ahead the computer is thinking



I may have posted this elsewhere on the forum I can’t remember


ive seen it before somewhere, not sure it was here or not. definitely an all timer

more lovecraftian than any hp lovecraft adaptation ever made