Been working on this for 2 or 3 months. Maybe longer, Time flies. I was inspired by this thread last year:
I then created a Giant Bomb list a year ago and decided to greatly expand in a google doc months later. The Google doc intro will explain what this is, Thanks to the peeps in the thread for finding some of these games. If there’s any improvements I can make or games I missed, Please let me know.
Credits for game finds that weren’t mine: @Sykel - Humpty’s Scramble, Sensory Overload, Giza, Mutant Dungeon VR, Duracell: Run the Bunny @Bug - Pie in the Sky Engine games, Rising Dead, Freaks!, Operation Omega, Kaos, Korean Aliens, Deadline @Loki - Insect War, Battle Wheels @meauxdal - Heaven Slash, Skyfox