10,000 Bulletins: No One Can Stop the Presses! (Part 1)



Glad this style is making a pseudo mainstream comeback so I can spend my 401k on the upcoming $500 JJ Squawkers Limited Run Games exclusive.


very sucks for all involved


Should be out December 14th America, is out in Japan and Europe now.


Solar Ash looks wonderful

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somehow the conversation has made me discover that LRG and retrobit are doing a run of Gaiares and this makes me angry and confused

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stuck in my head now



not sure how this faustian bargain is working out

teardown campaign is done

if I were able to count it as 2021 it would probably be my sleeper GOTY

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Dice makes a good skeleton and always has

Vince coming in has me excited because he seems like the perfect individual within EA to put some meat on those bones

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Battlefield has been in kind of a directionless slump long enough that it’s hard to see this being something worse.

The language of ‘connected universe’ these things all use is really gross but I think a lot of it will boil down to persistent player profiles and launchers that they’ve been working on, like how Call of Duty presents a seamless package across different box titles:

In a lot of ways, it’s the melding of package releases with the MMO model; even the purchase points are getting blended.

what will the first non call of duty game added to the call of duty unified experience launcher be?

Candy Crush: Support Our Heroes Edition


I’m sure Battlefield will benefit, I’m just salty that Respawn appears to be on the BioWare track.

At first I parsed this as praise for the first person body modeling and nodded along but I agree with the metaphor too.

ah, yeah

I believe Vince Zampella is a publisher-side person whose skills are in building a team and giving it a direction so it’s not surprising he moved out of Respawn as soon as it appeared stable. Respawn seems to have a good second generation taking leadership roles so I’m optimistic but everyone’s been getting sucked into one of the 4 IPs Remaining in the last year.

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I like how we’re all excited that Zampella is going to be doing less at Respawn and being more hands on with other EA IP while not discussing that his co-founder Chad Grenier just left

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That’s part of the BioWare track but yeah.

Hey, has Steve Fukuda had a credit in anything recently? ;_;

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