wow i played this at the igf like a million years ago and thought it just disappeared
i tried to play outer wilds but couldnt get off tutorial planet D:
wow i played this at the igf like a million years ago and thought it just disappeared
i tried to play outer wilds but couldnt get off tutorial planet D:
oh wow yeah this game won the Nuovo award in like 2012 or something.
i’m torn because parts of this look cute and i have always wanted someone to make a game where you are a cat. but at the same time i feel like we have long passed the point where you can make a game that is very obviously like visually inspired by hong kong, but take out all actual cultural signifiers and also literally take out all of the people and replace them with robots without at least raising a few eyebrows
bought one of these instead of a playdate
Overwhelming thumbnail
Does PUBG do region exclusive collabs? If not, maybe I should play PUBG.
It’s looking to me like this one is Japan-exclusive.
PUBG Mobile is pretty good as far as mobile BRs go, but the UI is definitely clunky like all of them. I literally deleted it from my phone yesterday so the timing makes me laugh
you know PUBG Mobile is the actually insidious mobile game because its onboarding process includes playing against braindead bots
Beta access to S&box, Garry Newman’s Source 2 engine successor to Garry’s Mod, is now open to queue up for.
But if you’re really excited to play it, there is a ‘cracked’ version floating around out there which you can play offline. I don’t know how fun that could be, considering that the sandbox which S&box seeks to offer does not come with the library of props and entities that HL2 and other Source games offered Gmod, and you’d likely be in some graybox environment by yourself shooting the walls, spawning balloons, and staring at your strange cartoony playercharacter’s hands. But this is still something to do.
better be some blood potioning up in here
(but seriously this looks very decent)
briefly thought this was a new d3 publishers game
Was just telling my wife about Zool yesterday as part of my impromptu lecture on weird sponsored games.
saying this as someone less than 6 feet away from a Genesis with a Zool cart in it
buying this is terrorism
very unnerving to see an amiga platformer with what looks like a decent camera
this is… consistent with what I would expect from playing tacoma
I can cross that off my list, yeah? I can’t imagine any thematic point it’d do better than Eliza.