Your song of the moment (Part 1)

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good choice

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i actually don’t have deep catalog on Joni, Ladies of the Canyon is the album i’m most familiar with (and i adore it)

i listened to it along with her first two the other day, her voice is so captivating

everything she did from the 60s to 1980 is hard for me to argue with
(haven’t heard much beyond that)
shadows and light, from 1980, is really captivating live stuff. if you skim it you’ll see just how much she had grown as an artist. astonishing considering how amazing her early stuff is!

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I’ve been listening to these two songs a lot over the past week or so.


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Lately I’ve been getting pretty excited, because one of my favorite bands ever (and the most underrated), the glitchy electronic folk band Tunng, have started hinting that they might be putting out something new soon.

This song is their most well known, for good reason. That chorus is HUGE.

Here’s a song about what it feels like when your true love gets turned into a hare as punishment and you long to join her in the woods:


oh my god YES that last chorus in Bullets destroys. big sucker for lyric changes that recontextualize the previous stanzas (can’t quite remember if that’s what happens, the video is ‘unavailable’, but what i’m saying is this is entirely my shit)


The last chorus is like that, yeah! It’s an amazing climax to the song. And I love how after that chorus the song just sprawls out for a little while before fading out, just to let you digest that moment.

I’m a total Tunng evangelist. I snagged a used vinyl of Good Arrows at Amoeba Records when I visited San Francisco last year and it was a highlight of the trip. That’s my favorite album of theirs. The whole thing is so full of Svankmajer-style imagery - animated skeletons, antiques, ghosts, the uncanny and the surreal emerging from the domestic, the abject confusion of childhood.

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video is also pretty fun


joni mitchell has got to be one of the greatest songwriters ever, but

this performance just isn’t fair, i’m sobbing
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you can hear every year

every one
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this is powerfully my shit

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as is this. hell. i’m sobbing now too damn u meauxdal ;_; (<3)

i loooooooooove the way her voice aged

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When Joni pegs it I am going to get even more drunk

She’s kind of my only childhood hero still around

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don’t even entertain it, she is immortal

did i ever tell y’all how my roommate’s top 3 favorite musicians are David Bowie, Leonard Cohen and Prince

He did not have a good 2016

(i mean, none of us did, but yikes)

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I mean, bowie and leonard cohen both released their strongest work in years at least…

For sure, but i still remember dude coming home in one of the most depressedly drunk states i’ve ever seen a man be in after Cohen died

my other (former) roommate cradled him and we both sang “Suzanne” to him while he cried, it was weirdly sweet. come to recall, i think we were all pretty soused