You Can't Buy Time

It comes in waves for me. I buy lots of stuff, then at some point I get sick of having lots of stuff, then I sell all my stuff. I’m still in the collection phase right now.

Like, I’ve been buying a shit ton of games and consoles in the last couple years and I treat them as physical reminders. To remind me of a possibly enjoyable experience I might have when I eventually play them. Oh boy.

I got into minimalism in my late twenties and sold almost everything I owned because I couldn’t deal with it anymore. Now in my late thirties I find myself deriving a weird sense of joy out of arranging plastic cases housing plastic discs and carts on shelves. Have I lost it again? Given up? Oh boy oh boy.

I’ll never play all the video games, but I’d like to try anyway. I am so fucking privileged. Also egoistic and lazy. Immature, surely. I’d rather play video games than raise a child. Fuck. Oh well. I hope it’s better this way. Maybe I can’t buy time but maybe I won’t regret how I spend it? Maybe? I love my stupid hobby!

tl;dr: I collect lots of plastic tokens because I am a child and I hope that’s ok.