XBLIG + XBLA = too many games

#Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury (800 points)

Totally forgot about that one. Got it now. I only played the N64 game before, and this looks like more of the same enjoyable Itano Circus clusterfuck. And wow, this has a level editor and System Link co-op?

#Nin²-Jump (400 points)
Cave-made grappling-hook platformer! Looked a bit underwhelming and too score-centered to me at first, but plays nice, and gets proper difficult. And after I unplugged my Ethernet cable, it didn’t pause for a couple seconds after each level to upload my terribly low high scores. Thank god there’s a level select for noobs like me. I’m stuck at the 20th stage (2nd boss) atm.

#Strania (800 points)
This is the kind of shooter I like. Checkpoints, no crap-ton of scoring items littering the screen when you shoot stuff, looks good, catchy heart-pumping music, swords(!), a 4:3 mode too. I would’ve bought this, if the Steam release wouldn’t tempt the pirate in me. Maybe I’ll get it anyway.

#Omega Five (800 points)
I got this because of the cool announcer announcing the game’s title. And because it’s another more “traditional”, less scoring-based shooting game. Made by Natsume! And … it’s okay? Levels are long and enemies take quite a lot of hits and you have a health bar and I Game Overed at the 3rd level and didn’t feel like starting another attempt yet. I guess I’ll give it another go with the 2nd character at some point, but it just isn’t as brisk and doesn’t offer the weapon variety of Strania, which motivates me a lot more. Do I regret spending 800 MS $ on this? Maybe. Maybe I should’ve paid more attention to this sir:

#XBLIG full version experiences:

Normal mode kuria! ( Hard mode is still too hard.) I saved my “normal” waifu! And got some lovely montage of her standing around mountain roads amidst the chillest music. And then she started lying on the road and oh my gosh that’s dangerous! But then she got up again and started sweating and drooling before she was covered in a red “Game Over”. So I guess happy end? Also, did I mention that this games has some very, very lovely music in it (besides the ending song)? Totally up there with Prismatic Solid and that weird sushi serving game whose name escapes me right now.

[quote=“bug”]Prismatic Solid[/quote] has been a bit of a disappointment though. It does the thing where the first couple levels are very easy and therefore boring to play. The tentacle power-ups go around your whole ship and basically make you invincible to enemy projectiles. I got stuck at level 5, which threw some fast-moving instant-death obstacles at me. And I am not sure when I’ll find the motivation to start over from the beginning. I know you are a shooting game, game, but come on. Don’t make me play through the boring part again, be more interesting to play, or give me a level select pls.

Reaches Kaizo Mario levels of fiendish difficulty in its extra stages. Thanks. I like it.

A lot of the action games I tried have a level select and a scoring system to encourage you to repeat levels for high scores. Bangai-O, Nin²-Jump, Tekkou Houhei, Ninja360. So does this one. Except that it is utterly brutal. I have not gotten anything better than 0 points. This is kind of a stealth game. And every detection nets massive score reduction. And every jump, and every step even, reduces score. I am too impatient. I just run past enemies all the time. Because not getting detected is kinda tricky. And I would probably pull my hair out, if I’d try to go for high scores.

Again, what an ingenious concept. Enemies kill you on touch, but you can shoot them to swap places. I finished all 100 levels! Actually, I skipped a bunch, cause this game makes you auto-skip a level if you die a couple times. Which annoyed me when I was feeling close to getting it right, but was a blessing, when I got stuck. Also, this game is kinda weird, in that it has both a level select, and lives. If you lose all, it’s “Game Over”, but all it means is that your score is reset and you’re back at the level select screen. The ending encourages you to try and play through all 100 levels without losing all lives though. And then I realized something, if this would’ve been released on the Game Boy, you would’ve gotten a four-digit password after each level. This game is so old-school.

I beat this! It is fucking awesome! The music is so, so good! I entered the shop and just let it sit there for a while, while I leaned out my window, feeling the wind and the sun. And then, right there in that very moment I couldn’t help but think, that life is great.

Updated list of games that make me wanna get out there and enjoy life:

  • AdvanceGTA (credits)
  • Hot Wheels Advance (title music)
  • Qix Adventure (world 1 clear cutscene)
  • Ogre’s Phantasm Sword Quest (shop music, ending)
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