this sounds like a sonic track to me
i went digging through that fella’s channel and ran into a video advertising a gigantic spreadsheet they made listing all the music they’ve ripped from rockman hacks:
there’s over 1300 songs
i thought you might find it interesting
you are not wrong, i am extremely interested in this
Compare and contrast this original composition:
With this famicom cover of Livin’ On A Prayer:
truly we live in an incredible world where both of these can exist.
is that a microtone i hear at 1:33?
maybe just a slight pitch wobble on the attack that i’m interpreting as a different note
All the Alone in the Dark talk reminds me, there’s this shanty played by the ghost pirates in AitD2, that I know is actually a excerpt of classical music, except I can’t remember what it’s from. Anybody got any idea what’s the original?
the most mind-bending thing about this song is that between the three composers credited for this game (Hirokazu Tanaka, Ryoji Yoshitomi, Kazumi Totaka) i feel like any one of them could have made it
my guess would be “Mysterious” is by Hip Tanaka and “Creative Exercise” is by Totaka, but i dunno for sure. the former has a bit of a Mother-esque ambiance to it. and the latter unmistakably sounds like Totaka.
See i think mysterious sounds like yoshitomi given his weird ambient work in metroid 2 and wario land 4 (the Cds specifically)
Stage 1 of Espgaluda II might be CAVE’s single finest moment as a developer and the transition from the stage music to the boss theme is like 80% of that
I had not! Looks like the one I’d heard was an arrangement by Beethoven.