it sure does come close, yeah. there’s so much to ACFA thematically that it’s kind of a tall task to pin it all together. it is without a doubt the most depressing game i have ever played

the other thing i find interesting about AC is the utter lack of humanity. i can count only a handful of times you ever see even the silhouette of a human being in one of these games. you will hear voices, but you will never see faces. because of how thoroughly AC games scrub the presence of actual flesh and blood, it becomes almost impossible to clock the actual reprecussions of the… things you are doing in most of these games. It becomes difficult to track personal stakes and motivations, difficult to track consequences, difficult to really see beyond the mechanical veil when there are literally no people anywhere to attach meaning to. AC being largely a collection of numbers, texts, and disembodied voices bears a big part of its thematic weight. ACV lampshades this to pretty cute effect by having an actual supporting cast beyond your handler, and then revealing the majority of them to be AI, which actually makes no real difference to your impression of them