‘70% of TVs sold support FreeSync’ is still 10 years away from ‘70% of players have TVs which support FreeSync’.
The current Xbox support depends upon the game implementing adaptive sync (rather than forced support) and my belief is that next-gen systems will not require support either.
er, I’m just saying that we still won’t see console games targeting framerates between 30 and 60fps because there won’t be a large enough proportion of consumers with the necessary displays. I’m not arguing that it won’t be a common feature, but it will be of limited use because big games are quite good at staying within their rendering budgets.
It’s analogous to new consoles still shipping with physical media because while a large proportion of the audience can switch to digital downloads it’s not enough.
I don’t disagree with that but I would like to think that consoles will go back to not having visible quality/framerate toggles and instead the console will read what the TV does and devs can launch modes thusly
I also like to think that consumers care about 60 and up fps but here we are
Maybe those internal budget enforcement processes will start to erode, though, the more the proportion of adaptive sync TVs increases and nobody can really notice the difference anymore on any TV in the studio. I guess if the starting point is 30fps target, that means a darker transitional stage where dips to 20fps become more common for a while, though.
the adaptive sync range of many displays typically cut out at or around 30 fps, so odds are good with TVs, we’ll see 24hz be the bottom of the range and everything below that will look as it does now
My bet is that it will be a conscious decision by studio leaders once they see enough adoption; no reason to break a production process honed over decades through slacking! It’s easy enough to monitor performance of a game in development and keep a heads-up on, ‘this scene always runs below 30fps, where can we claw back a few ms?’
My industry experience is that slacking on non-100%-essential performance metrics is like a geologic force, occasionally interrupted by short-lived heroic efforts. But that may be the difference between videogame culture+process vs mainstream culture+process.
I got yelled at a few times for gear that creates explosions because nobody shares my opinion that massive explosions are underlined if they cause the framerate to dip.
Bangai-O on the 360 suffers from a smooth framerate, I think.
given how much the appeal of console exclusives has dropped as my working relationship with Nvidia has improved over the past few years I’m also gonna be avoiding getting a PS5 for as long as possible I think but who knows
fairly sure my power supply just blew but Amazon had same day shipping on the exact same 450w silverstone ITX model I got six years ago with the case so that’s a relief
Turns out you can’t run 400w of components on 450w (the 12v is fine shut up I don’t need “600w” for this GPU) and expect it to last forever
Now just hoping it doesn’t somehow turn out to be the board once I spend an hour taking the whole thing apart tonight
Every time I go into this case I swear it’s going to be the last time and it never is