When I started putting down roads in MetropolisMania, my manager warned me that things could quickly get out of control as more people start to move in. I trusted his warning but could not fathom the intensity of what he meant.
We are in a time where more and more people cannot talk to each other and rely solely on electronic communication. There may be no hero that can reverse this trend. For two hours, I tried to be that hero. I put on my yellow tuxedo and “went to town.”
You might think that the main action in MetropolisMania is town construction. You would be wrong. That is only the secondary means towards greater communication. Your main action is gossip. Over my time with MetropolisMania, I learned two new topics I could gossip about “surfing” and a specific woman who started dating another guy. Most of the time, when I brought up either of these topics, I was met with befuddlement. “I don’t know who that is.” people would say. “I hate the beach” said someone else. More and more often, the towns people would remark that I looked “incredibly yellow.” I still do not know if they meant the obvious, that I was wearing yellow clothes, or rather suggesting I was coming down with jaundice.
I love the people in my town, but I cannot provide for them. I was so happy when I constructed a spa on top of a remote hill, but the owner quickly complained that there was no local supermarket and I was unable to scramble up a contact. He left and the spa will never return.
Every time I talk with a resident, my popularity has a chance to increase. Sometimes that means talking to babies who ask me “Mama?” and I can say “Yes Yes” or “No No” and the baby decides whether they liked my response. Usually it means gossiping and trying not to talk to the same person I talked to five minutes ago. If my popularity boosts up to %120, then there is a migration frenzy. Everybody wants to come to my island all of a sudden and my phone rings off the hook.
But I can’t bring myself to stake their claims. When I answer the phone, I have a slight hope that the spa owner will call me back and ask to live with me again. But this hope is false. He knows me too well. These other people who want so desperately to move in don’t know me at all. I feel like I will only disappoint them in the end.
I think I’m going to take a walk to forget some bad things in my life. See you again.