the depths of eg-lana

Speaking of the original: does anyone know of a fix for the blank text issue?

My computer suddenly turned off while I was playing this, and I thought maybe my power supply had died. But the computer started up again with no problem. However, the game would no longer load successfully.

From a discussion elsewhere, I learned that other people have had trouble with La-Mulana 2 overheating their computers. Which is strange, as I’ve played what I would think would be much more demanding games without that problem.

Apparently the solution is to delete the config folder (other than the save games). I guess I will try that.

Otherwise, I’m enjoying this game a lot. I haven’t had to use a guide so far, though I’m sure I will get stuck at some point. I did forget that I needed to activate grail tablets for quite a while, so I could warp to only two places despite exploring many other areas (and finding several other grail tablets). A message somewhere made me think that I needed a particular app before I could activate any more. But no, I just needed to examine them.

One time after I beat a boss, I decided to explore a little more. And of course I quickly died and it took me several tries to beat that boss again because I became impatient.

Edit: I figured out how to fix my issue with the game not starting, just in case it happens to anyone else: I had to rename my “LaMulana2” folder under Users > AppData > Low > Nigoro so that the game could not find it. The game rebuilt the folder structure on the next launch, after which I could copy my save files from the old Save folder to the new one. Fortunately, whatever had become corrupted was not the save files.

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I think a level editor may be incoming. Occasionally an empty Steam Workshop section will pop in and out of existence on the game’s Library page. I’ve only ever seen that happen with one other game, which I believe may have been Factorio? Which did end up getting Steam Workshop support for mods and whatnot.

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I wonder if the level editor will strongly encourage screens with 5 layers of platforms always aligned at the same height. La Mulana has this weird consistency in that respect, like every map was first drawn on a big sheet of lined paper.

That may be its Galious-homage legacy coming through, I think

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This is fairly common if a game runs with an uncapped frame rate; your computer will always be able to work more to push more frames. Presumably they can patch in a frame rate limiter.

Could also be any kind of silly bug churning a thread in an infinite loop

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True! Maybe Nigoro is not the type for threaded programming, though

they moved to unity for this one iirc and at least on my machine it doesn’t have an unusual number of idle cycles

I play games I’d think are a lot more system intensive (Unity included!) but there must be some kind of shader or something in Eg-lana that is just too much for my CPU and graphics card. The game frequently chugs at 60-80% speed down there for me.

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My processor is so old that when you google it, 80% of the results are in Russian, but most zones run at a decently playable speed. Biggest exception is the ice world, which is half speed at best at all times. the fact that of all the zones, it’s where you’re most likely to need to wait around for an elevator makes it an excruciating experience to have to go in there.

I have brute forced at least a couple puzzles by now but got my sixth boss anyway

Can’t stop me!!!

Though I am definitely into the latter half of a la mulana game at this point, yikes

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Felix, mind spoilertexting which bosses you’ve downed, and the order? I’m a little puzzled as to which boss I’m “supposed” to be attempting next, because the only ankh I have access to, to my recollection, seems to be in a place that feels like it should come a lot later in the game than it is.


Roots, Valhalla, Anfwyn, Mausoleum, Battlefield, Chaos

I remember the progression from the 5th to the 6th boss being a real test of whether you could hack it in terms of synthesizing all the weird information and paths available to you in the first game and it was pretty much the same thing here; that’s when you start fully clearing out all of the lingering stuff in the early areas and making headway into the weird later ones which you didn’t even realize existed until suddenly you can access them

Interesting. So far I’ve done Roots, Valhalla, Annwfn, Battlefield, and Chaos is the only Ankh I can remember seeing recently.

I’ve fought plenty of mini bosses

this forced hard mode thing is getting to me though. A room in Ancient Chaos that used to just have a three-headed dragon and two groups of those tiny guys now has two three-headed dragons, two groups of tiny guys, two of those wall-neck guys, and three of those flying bird-of-paradise lookin’ things. And that’s a one-screen room.

oh yeah that room blows

Happy to know we’re more or less keeping up with one another though! FYI the one boss I fought that you haven’t yet is extremely easy to access compared to everything else in that area, you can do it practically as soon as you walk in

that was framed as an oblique tablet-style hint btw

but anyway if you’ve gotten to #6 and actually made the ankh appear (which requires obtaining a string of like three key items that you’ll have wanted for other purposes for a while) then you’re officially as far along as you need to be for that fight

also you can max out your health by now if you haven’t already (though you need the feather for the last 2 or 3 orbs and it’s possible to miss that for an agonizingly long time, you probably won’t have gotten into the underworld to learn the requisite mantra combinations for the aforementioned key items without it, unless you just read them and died)

how much is max? I think I might be close, at 320.

Here’s my current loadout.

Also I just went and beat Anu just now. He was a lot easier than I expected, once I figured out you can just jump over the orange beams.

ohhhh you never activated the guy in the room beneath him, I didn’t realize you could avoid doing that. That’s why you didn’t have to get that whole item sequence yet. I think that + the other boss you skipped + one orb are all I’m ahead of you on then.

I also missed the caltrops I guess