the crabs! the crabs!!

I’d love to read any fragments of that if you find it! The title makes me think of like Anne Rice but for octopuses.

this book is kind of making me want to go back and reread stephen king for comparison bc this feels like something that was written by someone who took stephen-king-ness as like a universal template rather than the work of one particular guy, just swap out the monsters and the 70s rock references as needed to generate your own novel… i feel like crichton books have a similar effect but maybe a slightly different cultural skew, like the stock villains there are liberals and ex-wives while here it’s a bigoted sheriff who hates the protagonist on sight bc he has shoulder-length hair. which feels like a bit of a stretch for something set in y2k era rather than 70s Maine but maybe i’m wrong? maybe he just really hates Hanson

anyway i’m ultimately glad i stuck with Clickers bc right after my last post i found one of the greatest visual descriptions of all time

The man shrieked as the venom inflated his neck like an inner tube and simultaneously dissolved the flesh. His stomach expanded and finally burst like a ripe melon. It looked like a balloon filled with sausages soaked in barbecue sauce exploding.

things are heating up!!