STUNLOCK THE PRESSES: combo breaking news (Part 1)

gotta tell you, Watchdogs3 feels more and more like a true depiction of the future, even to the point where people are disappearing on radio!

jokes aside though, like in GTA games, Talkshow radio is one of the latter channels i usually tune into, when i have the playlists of other stations down so well that i know what they’ll be playing in which order. So i may never know who she is, if it isn’t the voice of that investigative journalist tech-critical station with a generic name.

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Bit of a flat UI

‘We wanted to make the combat feel grittier and darker’

Between this and Guilty Gear Strive maybe we’re due for a simple and flat UI aesthetic era.

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Seems like that’s been in since Skyrim

“We also wanted you to be able to swing a greatsword in narrow hallways”

Spell effects and fire in this game just look so, so weird. And it seems like they remixed the Maiden in Black’s theme to be virtually unrecognizable.


I haven’t watched the video but — that is an immensely telling quote for me, because not being able to swing your greatsword in a narrow hallway actually was a defining moment of my first experience with Demon’s Souls and why I fell in love with it.


Bluepoint: “We also wanted you to be able to swing a greatsword in narrow hallways”

Also Bluepoint: “Our approach to this is we try and keep the core of the game untouched. With Demon’s Souls , that’s the gameplay, the logic, and the AI, and then everything else is stripped away. And then utilizing the incredible power of the PlayStation 5 and how much we could really go wild on this title, we started to build everything back.”

Must not have been trying hard enough.


I didn’t hear that said in the video, but maybe I missed it. Something about them saying “we put 128 musicians into this score” is like so mundane, just treating musicians in a symphony like rendered pixels. Who fricken cares!!

And the way they talk up the “classes” being radically different, as though they’re not just different stat counts… do they think their audience has never played a souls game before!?


It’s something they said to polygon 9 days ago:

There’s a point where they’re in the Tower of Latria and the character they’re showing is wielding a greatsword inside a very narrow hallway, just swinging away at the mindflayers. What’s even weirder is that it’s oddly inconsistent too? They showed other parts of the video where a shortsword was clanking against walls when attempting to swing, but not always? Then where they showed the greatsword the character did not bonk even once. Maybe it’s just a quirk they introduced to greatswords, who knows (they swing through walls, they’re great).

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3-1 is going to make a lot less sense with the screaming as your character screams everytime they swing


The enemies somehow don’t look as scary as I remember




yeah the game is teeming w/ bad redesigns


It’s because they’re much more cartoonish than they were in the original.


I think that’s because they went all out on two colors in particular, which are, of course: Orange and teal


losing the great bizarre inhuman skeletons for uhh the terminator??


One of their writers just outed themselves as gender crit, I am done granting any good faith to these Anglo cowards, this is just the Guardian for g*mers.


not a bit it’s an outright flagrant art crime, i’ll spare yall my 100 point break down, just



Wait, an RPS writer? I knew they’d dropped off in quality, but not that much.