Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

Saturated Dreamers is getting close, I think. I have a Steam key but I don’t want to play too much until it’s done.

Also, he and I made this Kiva group ten years ago:

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PSN flash sale on now… I got Deadly Premonition for $3.99.

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The D&D 5th edition players handbook is half off at $20

Sure, it’s probably not the perfect system but it can be fun

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Yeah but this way do you get the satisfaction of walking down to your local gaming store and making awkward small talk with the guy there in the porkpie hat trying to sell you fancy metal dice?


One of the few things I’ve pirated in recent years, no ragrets

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Satellite Reign is free for a bit on Humble. It’s very neon!

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nabbed it! We should get people to PLAY!

I wouldn’t describe it as a “STEAL” but I love when Amazon inexplicably has brand new copies of old games for relatively cheap.


Ridiculous Sega Capcom PSN Bundle. Valkrya Chronciles alone is worth 15. It and Dead Rising were early console exclusives last generation and now they are on the same everything. Neat! Also Binary Domain Rules!!


If anybody wants my coupon codes that come as a bonus with this bundle, PM me

note that you need a North, Latin or South American PSN account to redeem these

yeah that’s rough

how much of a hassle is it to have extra-regional PSN accounts again?

Mostly just making another gmail account or trying to spoof your email you use on another by using a placing a period(.) somewhere in it to make psn think it’s a different email but will still send to that email. I haven’t tried it myself but I read that’s a thing that can work.

yeah i have a jp account and i don’t really remember making it so it must not have been too bad

you can do plus addressing with gmail (and most other mail services) where, say your address is here you could sign up with etc.

on the ps3/ps4 you can just add extra user accounts on the console and then sign up for psn there and in future when you want to check out each regions shop or something just switch user

Yeah it’s not too much of a hassle. You can buy PSN codes on ebay and use those to buy stuff in the foreign stores, if you pick an address in Delaware you don’t even have to pay VAT. Once downloaded you can launch your games from any account.
I lost my old US PSN account in the ether when my PS3’s hard drive died and I realized I neither had the password nor access to the email I signed up with anymore :shrug:

you can also buy codes off amazon to avoid markup if you can be bothered making a second amazon account with a false address (they don’t check that the card address matches on ~digital goods~ orders)

i used to buy all my PS4 games that way but post brexit the exchange rate is fuckin awful

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Same here. 50% off Yak0 ain’t bad!!

cool, thanks y’all :slight_smile:

The “immediate unlock” for this month’s Humble Bundle Monthly is Destiny 2, which means you can get the PC version of Destiny 2 for $12 (plus whatever other games come out this month) if you pay by the month and immediately cancel.