Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

The Floor is Jelly is 99 cents on the Humble Store, marked down from its usual $10 asking price. I figure at that cost I can’t go wrong even if the game’s central mechanic wears out its welcome before the game is through.

Ian Snyder is a fun vein to dig into, he’s got a lot of fun toys on his site.

Botolo is one of those games I’d get if I had people to play with and/or not a shitty WiFi internet connection so I could just play online with strangers (assuming the game has online multi)

I had dinner with him a week before that game came out and…haven’t played it! I am a bad friend

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kiwami preorder is currently £24.99 at uk amazon (and an extra £2 off if you’re on prime)

GOG is giving away Jotun, which is a game of some kind and very pretty.

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PSN sale this week includes some good PS4 games:

  • SOMA for $6
  • Amnesia Collection for $8
  • Inside for $10
  • The Witness for $16

They also have Salt and Sanctuary and Darkest Dungeon for less than $10 each. I have been curious about those games but I have not tried them.

free games is free games
zero (0) dollars


grabbed Bastion on PS4 flash sale for $4.49

Vikram grabbed Bastion. It was an old game at this point. He didn’t know what he was in for.

Jankle jankle firefly jankle.

I was hoping for a Video Game. does it deliver?

he asked,

But the sky didn’t answer.

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Nu DOOM is free to play on Steam this weekend and very cheap.

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only 64gigs of fun


I also unlocked everything in like three hours of playing the multi so they’ve made it fairly accessible

it’s pretty fun! not incredible but a-OK

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I thought it was fun, but my enjoyment was largely carried by the presentation and the smidgens of lore (which is somewhat reminiscent of what you’d see in bits and pieces on Magic: The Gathering cards).

plus the extra 40 (?) from the arcade and multiplayer updates

I still look back fondly on my two playthroughs of bastion.

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Just Cause 3, Downwell and Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry are in the new batch of PS+ games for August. I can finally take @Felix’s recommendation

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Humble Bundle has a bunch of Saints Row games, Might No. 9, and uh… Killer is Dead. Did anyone play KiD? Is it worth it? Is Suda51 uh… cool

edit: PSN August is p nice.