Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

dirt showdown free for a bit

Can you even play this on a North American PS4?

yeah, creating and using jpsn accounts on us/eu consoles is fairly trivial

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It falls apart pretty quickly.

benefit of working at Videogames MegaCorp: someone left N64 games in the ā€˜free stuffā€™ pile this morning, snagged Tetrisphere, Beetle Adventure Racing, and Wetris (RIP Aidyn)

Get here fast and take your pick from FIFA 99, NHL 99


Are you using a keyboard? I would recommend a controller. I thought the movement felt fluid and pretty great.

Itā€™s a metroidvaniaā€¦ There are areas in every level you cannot access without certain abilities.

There is an Ass Creed bundle but itā€™s worthless because it contains basically every Ass Creed game except the one thatā€™s actually good

I like this game a lot-- if you like villager scheduling games and exploring city nooks and role-playing buying a coffee and carrying it around and maybe go to this dance with me later? then you need to play this


thirding the endorsement ā€“ game is dope and itā€™s what @BustedAstromech said but also you can script p much every object in the game

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this is one of those games that is delightfully easy to break, and the dev wants you to break it. Last time I played, I made a coffee cup that unlocked every door in the game whenever I took a sip, as well as automatically refilling itself and removing main characterā€™s need to ever sleep or bathe.

I planned on doing a 2 minute speedrun of it but I lost my notes that listed the location of the computer that would let me rescript the gameā€™s plot.

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:drudgesiren::cactus:!/en-us/games/assault-android-cactus/cid=UP1520-CUSA03161_00-CACTUS0000000001 :cactus::drudgesiren:

Also I guess thereā€™s a $5 and under flash sale on US PSN and maybe after you buy :cactus:, you can prep yourself for the future 2017 GOTY by buying Knack, and then feel bad that you donā€™t already own Knack

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Endless Legend Collection is 85% off (10bux) through this weekend


Videoball for $3.50

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Yakuza 1-4 reprints for about 35$ each in a 4 pack. This is a pretty good deal

Yakuza 2 for that price is a steal, I advise anyone in interested in getting that to jump on this deal pronto.


this should be its own thread maybe. good stuff in here

wow Iā€™d assume most people own most of those games already, but itā€™s cool none the less.

the witness is worth price alone