Tom's Hardware of Finland

this is pretty much what it’d take for me to want to upgrade at this point, but that’s so much damn money still compared to what this cost. plus like… there are no OS or feature improvements that would really be facilitated by that.

I do expect ice lake to be pretty damn good but after I upgrade my haswell notebook to that I’d be amazed if I wanted another desktop / laptop / phone upgrade in the subsequent four years.

“I bought RAM”
BenoitRen, Forums


look at this fuckin laptop

don’t you dare hold back quantumz0d

is there an illuminated keyboard which produces ripples when you type on its keys yet?


I feel like this has been the showboat demo mode on a BUNCH of them for a while.

ah ok sorry i havent been paying attention

RGB keyboards are old news and laptops and desktop replacements are terrible


(if only this was my computer…)


That thing lapskips itself

I did not see this trend coming of computers in 20xx looking like a babylon 5 set though maybe I should have


further to this: I definitely don’t need an 860, I think any non-PCIe connection would bottleneck even an 850 even on like random writes, and those are available in 1TB refurbished for ~$200, so I will definitely do this as soon as I feel like taking my whole machine apart again. Hooray for forever upgrades.

tbh, if your computer doesn’t look like this

… you didn’t do it right.

OK, a led for power (on) is nice, since you wouldn’t know whether your machine is working at all if there is some ambient noise, i admit to that.
that aside, no need to show any hint of operation, aside from a blank in a terminal


my “should I buy an mSATA drive or not now that I’ve discovered the slot on my six year old motherboard” saga is really reinforcing how much better Z77/Ivy was than Z68/Sandy – it added mSATA, standard mini-PCIe 1x wireless on ITX boards, and (I had no idea!) PCIe 3.0, all of which combine to make it basically a still-modern platform in a way that Sandy (which still gets all the credit for its huge CPU boost and price drop relative to Nehalem) is not. also reinforces how much Intel was still improving year-to-year at that point (they also went from a DX10 iGPU that was slightly worse than the 360 to a DX11 iGPU that was slightly better) despite minimal speed improvements compared to now.

also I can’t believe the extent to which samsung took over the SSD market since I last looked hard at this stuff, I’m looking at secondhand/refurbished 1TB SSDs and >90% of them are samsung

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Are SSDs a good thing to buy used/refurbed? I guess they’re famously durable.

not really, no, I just have a firm internal accounting of PC prices from before the CAD dropped concurrently with chinese manufacturing costs and margins going up and everything costs like twice what I’m willing to pay at retail now

though I’ve also never had a disk fail (which should disqualify me from holding my actual job) and am extremely trusting of refurbished parts as a rule; I feel like if the manufacturer has taken a look at it recently, it’s as good as new

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the fuck???

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yeah it’s insane right? luckily I don’t carry that through to my practice because I know it’s one-in-a-million odds (and I’ve used OCZ SSDs, 20-year-old 4GB drives that are still running in the same Celeron 300A server, etc.)

I am rather anal about idle cycles I don’t approve of but that still doesn’t really come close to explaining it away

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I’ve had problems with virtually every typical PC part, from Dead On Arrivals, to premature deaths, to long term failure, to me being a dumbass and frying it.

Except RAM. I’ve never had an issue with system RAM.

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I’ve had dozens and dozens of “oops that’s not a stable overclock” hard crashes but not sure I’ve ever actually fried anything