a super metroid hack that i playtested came out earlier this week:
verdict: i loved it, but it has proven rather divisive. major sticking points for people appear to be the higher gravity, the amount of suitless underwater exploration, unclear progression, and the aesthetics of the final area (their loss with that one). it’s somewhat hard to recommend, but if you’re interested you’ve been warned.
^ The 12 cartoon character screens you can see by putting the Neo Geo Pocket Color game SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium in a black and white Neo Geo Pocket! Or emulating it in the emulator NeoPop, anyway. ^ _^
The NeoPop emulator lets you force the emulated game to play as if it was either in the color or the black and white system; it can also emulate having the system language set to either English or Japanese in the system BIOS.
The game here is a dump from my JP version of the cartridge–I don’t know that software-wise it’s actually any different from the NA version, though! Anyhow, with NeoPop set to English, it just gives a sorta generic two-screen message about how you should use a Color system–but when set to Japanese, there’s loads of dialog lines for the Capcom and SNK characters in the illustration! The lettering in the illustrations stays in English, though.
When you power on in black and white, the game shows you one of the cartoon images; the next time you power on, it shows you the next one, and cycles through them like that, in a fixed order, as you do more power resets.
Is the hellhole being referred to here Karlach’s
immediately what i thought of
honestly it’s like they’ve never met a big sweetheart before
it’s very superficial unless you’re specifically commenting on the fact that daphny cannot regulate their internal body temperature at all
hell yeah
Had not realized Steam can customize the DS4 LED. : )
If it could do it on a per-game basis it might be closer to competing with DS4Windows. : D
The Big Pro Wrestling (Technos Japan)
(US: “Tag Team Wrestling”)
– Tag Team Wrestling - Wikipedia
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Hydlide 3: The Space Memories (PC-88) aka “Super Hydlide”
– https://youtu.be/C7gSebfmwXo?t=387
– Super Hydlide - Wikipedia
I love crap like this because it would cost nothing in Real Life but the stupid amount of man hours to recreate reality does my head in.