I’m always incredibly disappointed when an action figure turns up in a video game but never got turned into real merch you can buy. Come on, no Kara Hassan blister pack??? Stop fucking around, Fangamer!!
that’s what I look like when I get up to go to the bathroom at night and I have to stretch
I never realized Blanka’s chest hair is actually all belly hair. Like the body hair version of that lotus flower underboob tattoo I see everywhere
I wish I could buy a Jimny. Smaller than a Miata and more capable off-road than all the child killers out there.
One of the other tenants in our building has a, I guess, friend/family member who parks what I think is a bright orange JPN-market JA11 Jimny out in front on the street sometimes while visiting.
I keep meaning to ask her about it, but I don’t want to be the weirdo who is like “…I noticed you sometimes have visitors…I have memorized their vehicles”. I’ve yet to see the actual driver.
I was this close to renting a Jimny when I was in Costa Rica but the shop only had manual transmissions.
same! I can drive stick but I didn’t want to deal with it for the whole week, in the city, etc