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I had a 29-page honker of a long, weird story finally get published a year after being accepted. It’s called SLOWLY THROUGH THE MIDDLE-DISTANCE, and I guess the teaser is to say that it is set in the painted territories in the backgrounds of Scooby-Doo episodes, where a woman pursues a collective of donor organs that have decided to form a body and commit themselves to permanent stillness for good. I wrote this between 2019-2020, so it is interesting for me to read and try to imagine what the heck I was huffing to write a story like this, and who I was and where I was at. But I really love it, especially how it comes to an end with a resolution that is maybe my favorite I’ve ever written, which sees this small group of cartoon characters taking big steps to be there for each other emotionally as they ride through the midnight undermoon. I made a fun little teaser poster that evokes its mood, color, and some of the literal things inside it.

It’s put out by State of Matter magazine, which is an Indian publication focusing on weird, slip-stream and speculative fiction. You can read it here.