Settings and themes in vidya

I guess I just hold it in high regard as a masterpiece of storytelling, character and world building and especially editing (the editing funny enough didn’t make any sense in its first cut and was subsequently improved, mostly by cutting a lot of scenes with Luke in it that came before he met the droids. There’s a good YouTube video called “How Star Wars was saved in the edit” on this). It’s a very basic, classical piece and I think there’s a lot to learn from it even if it’s your only point of reference. I couldn’t say the same about Marvel or LotR movies but Star Wars is a good blueprint for videogames imo.

It’s very videogamey how it builds up the hero’s journey and sets him up for the challenge ahead. I mean the whole Death Star thing is built up so well. You go see it halfway into the movie and then it comes back as the final level/challenge/labyrinth/dungeon, giving you this immense sense of scale and threat. Don’t even get me started about Darth Vader as the antagonist. It’s just great and I wouldn’t mind more videogames learning from it and emulating certain aspects of it