's top 64 vidcons 2020 - THE NOMINATION

Very few games are as satisfying as being on a good roll in Dragon Quest, and this is one of them. I talked to @slime about this a bit and something about the mouse-driven interface slows the game down in a real crunchy way. Diablo is the oft-compared game but it’s got a lot more impact than any Diablo game could dream of, and each attack feels purposeful.

Impactful is the word of the day here - attacks are big and chunky, each level gained makes an entire tier of enemies into cannon fodder, powering up abilities is totally unsubtle, every piece of new equipment feels like upgrading from a 2 cylinder engine to a 4 cylinder engine to a 6 cylinder engine into infinity.

One of the few games more than 10 hours long that I finished last year. Wonderful game.