(unlike the previous pic, this one’s going in the final game)
bubble butt butt bubble double jump
placeholder SFX courtesy of Yasujiro Ozu
oh hey there’s a whole subforum for game making wow cool how did i not know
anyways, i started messing around with the zx spectrum today and came up with a couple of things. one is a basic platformer, you jump and pick up stuff. the other is a shooter where you can fly around, but you have to hold up or else gravity takes over and you fall back to the ground, like baraduke or atomic robo-kid (or you know, jetpac, i guess). might keep messing around to see if i could make an actual full game with this.
oh no!
if it’s not too counter to forum policy could @moderators add a descriptive parenthetical like “share your game dev” to the thread title
sb culture if not policy has long been to make thread titles cryptic and hard to remember but yes, this is for the best lol
new sb is confusing with a clarifying parenthetical it seems
deadline’s tomorrow
i’ve got a big public event next month and in addition to the game i’m planning on showing off i’m trying to put together a two-player-only, event-only tate-mode cooperative-and-competitive score-attack thing
the spectrum stuff i was working on got corrupted and i am unable to fix them. despite that, i got back to work and have been doing a new project:
the plan is you collect all the items and move on to the next level. you also get a point bonus that depends on how much time is left when you finish a level. i’ll be adding new enemy and obstacle types, and having the collectables change when you get to a new area. i would mix and match collectables, but i keep getting graphical glitches when i do, and i would rather just do one item per area instead of spend forever pouring through code for something that’s pretty insignificant.
The voice input system was really fly by night in the last version of the ghost game, so I’m working on an auto-calibration method that will hopefully make things feel more reliable. It feels really good to be much more confident with Godot this time around.
my shit corrupted for the second time, and despite my better judgement, i just remade everything AGAIN. this time though, i’m making a new backup every time i save. if that somehow doesn’t work, then you’ll probably see me in the news because i did something violent.
anyways, i’m operating on about 4-5 hours of sleep because i’m pretty sure i have food poisoning, but i have a little video to post.
Anyone who wants to send me a recording of themselves making ghost sounds (any room/ambience/quality is good, I want a broad sample) feel free. I want a lot of different voices to test against.