SB 64 part IV: diamond is not crash (voting ends october 17!)

if we’re voting on the basis of music Sonic Adventure wins this whole voting proccess by default and I’m not even talking about the deliciously cheesy vocal tracks. The whole soundtrack is incredible and immense. There are so many great tracks even dedicated to like, incredibly small scenes or events that didn’t need to rip so hard, but they do.

Why did they record a minute and thirty banger when Big manages to hook a fish?? A push-and-pull event that lasts for maybe 20 seconds at most?? Why does it have to go so hard??

Does anyone remember where this insanely cool track plays?? Apparently it plays for a 10-second cutscene. The whole soundtrack is extra like this.

In respect to these and other qualities that Sonic Adventure has, I will abstain from voting against it. Sky Odyssey seems really cool but I tried it in an emulator and I can’t get the hang of flying the plane well!!