Random Game of the Week

The Fantaballous Tilt

The Fantaballous Tilt (solid name BTW) is basically a video game version of those wooden labyrinth games. I know a lot of marble games are vaguely inspired by those, but this one even with the more videogamey aspects that pop up feels directly connected to them.

I am gonna stop here to just be completely honest. Reading the game’s itch page the lady who made this seemingly did so because they wanted to try making a more physics-based game, and the only reason I played it is because she went and contributed it to a big charity bundle in order to help out with a good cause. Those are a poor set of reasons to get criticized for, but really the only thing I can honestly say about this game is that it’s not very good.

I can see why they wanted to work on their game physics as they basically only had a beginner’s level grasp of them at the time this game was made, and unfortunately this is just about the worst type of game to have that happen with. You can only turn the maze in 90 degree increments and when you do so the ball pauses in space while the level turns and all momentum it had beforehand vanishes as it begins moving in a different direction. It often hops backwards a bit too immediately after the directional change which is odd and can make taking corners oddly difficult at times. The ball also sometimes falls through the walls out of the stage requiring a restart.

The problem I’ve discovered with going with truly random selections (particularly on weeks where I can only get around to a single one) is that some simply just don’t work, and this game is sadly one of them. I hope the experience the dev gained making this will help her in the future and that the game was at least fulfilling for her to put together, but there’s no real reason I can come up with for others play it.

The fake haunted Playstation logo that pops up when you start it is pretty great though.