rain world

you got it

rain world slays


Oh I remember this screen. Though I don’t remember what’s beyond the exit. I’m assuming you know how to long-jump? You could try doing that from the centre platform; you might just be able to reach the pole. Alternatively, you could try sticking a spear into the wall below the exit; you might be able to reach the pole that way?

the best videogame nominations have had me thinking about rain world again all week. i started playing through it again. on ps4 this time, it runs soooo much better than switch.
it’s really fun going back to this and realising how flexible you can get with routing. i might even try and go for a platinum trophy.

this video is really chill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxgaIFT5PxA

buti strongly disagree with their issues with the narrative. discussion around pebbles and the implication of that dialogue

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6 days later:
finished a 100% run! there’s been so many games where doing absolutely everything ends up leaving me pretty cold on it, but here it still feels like there’s so much possibility.
planning a route for a pilgrimage run, and then that will get me the platinum trophy. i might try speedrunning this, or at least in some form as i don’t really like the categories people currently run.

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i bought this today (after eyeballing it for a long time but knowing almost nothing abt it) cos it’s discounted on steam atm, and it rules! it’s such a beautiful union of a whole lot of cool game design choices. i really appreciate how indifferent the world is, and how compelling it is as well. i am only a few hours in, as the survivor, and already appreciating the way the systems encourage such gradual but inevitable progression on so many different fronts (the map in particular is such a wonderful expression of an otherwise very normal videogame object).
my favourite moment so far was when i got picked up by one of those horrible skull-faced bird monsters and the “game over” prompt appeared in the corner of the screen, but then a second, larger bird monster appeared and attacked the first one, dislodging me from its grip and giving me the split second needed to bolt into a nearby tunnel and escape. that shit slaps so hard omg.
sad to hear that it runs poorly on switch, cos it’s the kind of thing i would love to play before bed or on the go.


I have been playing it only on the Switch, so I have had no means of comparison until now. If it runs better on other platforms (such as the PS4), I will download it there! Can anybody confirm this?

Its a solid 60fps on PC so the busier screens are less frustrating. It’s not a deal breaker but having played it on PC first I can’t really recommend the switch version.

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the ps4 version is a lot smoother than switch. it can still chug at points, but far less and it feels a lot more responsive.

(context: played the game for 45hrs on the switch before playing through a couple more times on ps4)


Rain World: Downpour adds five new slugcats each with their own story and unique abilities. Use those abilities to traverse through over 1000 new rooms and investigate the mysterious world around you while learning how to survive with the new threatening creatures of the world.


best game.
i’m way more interested in the signal game they’re working on, but doing the doom style ‘official release of wads’ type thing is cool.


finished a couple of playthroughs in the last two weeks (monk & survivor), got every achievement in the steam version that i hadn’t touched before.
i think this is my most replayable videogame. i can just always sit down and sink hours into it.


i have played idk how many hours of this game since i first bought it and i am so torn about the whole experience. i want so badly to love this game, and i wouldn’t even mind that i haven’t been able to finish it yet (three years and multiple platforms and still no closer) if i didn’t feel like my progress was being stopped by wonky controls and lack of kinaesthetic feedback, rather than the difficult obstacles and interesting level design. the swimming in particular is so nuanced and so egregiously unintelligible. wall jumping is also a bit of a mess. i understand the physical experience being gestured at, and i respect and even enjoy it most of the time, i really do, but i just kinda feel like the control scheme is needlessly frugal and pedantic, and that it makes the rest of the game suffer as a result.
maybe it’s just cos i’m playing on switch instead of ps4 or pc but if so then that’s shit and disappointing.
it’s just so frustrating because every single thing about this game screams that i should love it but it’s so fucking infuriating to interact with and i feel stupid and sad the more i play.

i am going to keep playing.