Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

No, just make a new logo treatment and send your trailer to a bunch of publishers without changing a thing.

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get ahead of the curve and call it Battle Imperiale


Call it battle royale 2 and end every match with a monologuing rugby man

what’s worse, Genre of the Hour or IPAs

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The Genre of the Hour will change but 80% of my beer options have been macro or IPA for the last decade, so gonna go with that.


I feel like I’m being called out

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whats the four loko of video games


fortnites not fun though

its the same


how do children with internet access nowadays interact with video games, like for real

does anyone know. i’m kind of scared for the future and who these people will grow up to be/the things they are going to create

So far my almost six year old plays Lego games on my PS4 and a bunch of crappy mobile games on an ipad I will keep you updated


I know from my mom who works in a middle school that most kids are playing Minecraft and fortnite, but there is one kid she knows who’s completely obsessed with older video games.

So there is some hope in this world yet.

(Minecraft isn’t bad though. Minecraft makes me think kids will be ok. It’s everything else that makes me worried)

About 2 years ago I was working for a puzzle and board game store as part of a team that brought board games to bar mitzvahs, taught kids how to play them, and kept them entertained.

One day I went into a retro video game store and I saw a kid who had been at one of those bar mitzvahs. He was probably around 10-12 years old. He recognized me before I recognized him, and he waved me over. He was looking at their selection of Super Nintendo games. He started throwing all this surprisingly in-depth SNES trivia at me and then asked me if he should get Super Metroid. I wanted to say heck yeah, but I also was wary of putting pressure on this kid’s mom to buy the game for him. I glanced at her and she was staring daggers at me, like “who is this strange adult man who my son apparently knows?!”

I sort of noncommittally grunted that the game was good and got the hell out of there.


I know it’s not really a defensible position for a huge number of reasons but the idea of a kid growing up on today’s media landscape is still completely horrifying to me and it would be very difficult for me to not try to ameliorate it somehow and I don’t think I would react well if compelled to

though the overwhelming majority of my thoughts on kids are along similar lines, all standards which I would not realistically be able to hold myself or my household to anymore and rather than the letting go seeming healthy it’s intensely undesirable


Fuck these parents, kids talking to adults is the only thing that’s going to save them. Horn in and have normal natural conversations with children especially if their parents are giving you the stink eye about it


my wife’s nephew never shuts up about amiibos and friday night at freddy’s youtube videos and also all this other youtube personality algorithmed videogame stuff that I’m not quite sure he understands are videogames at all per se it is hard to parse

also vidz about smash bros 3ds character skins he was v.into those last time he visited

My family recently started a Minecraft server to play with my 6-year-old nephew

He is a scourge who has destroyed many of our fortresses


I think the one unquestionably different aspect of today’s media landscape vs the one we grew up with is the effectively infinite expanse of it. As much as I was a Teenage Edgelord and flirted with all sorts of Not Great things on the internet, there was an end to it. And when I reached that end, I had to reflect whether I wanted to pursue that thing any further. That reflection often made me question its value to me and to the world. And it was at those points that I turned away from many things that I initially approached because they seemed dangerous or because I was angry and wanted to be offensive.

I can’t say for certain that I wouldn’t be a shitlord if I grew up today, if I could fall down and then get endlessly redirected towards infinitely deep rabbit holes of hatred and garbage.

I have two younger cousins. They both grew up in Ohio and love videogames. One of them developed an additional taste for anime. The one who likes anime gets fed very different content on the internet and, well, I wouldn’t be that surprised if she wound up posting here in a few years. The other cousin, the one who only likes videogames, is quoting Stephen Crowder videos and talking about Mexicans taking our jobs, despite the fact that he’s 13 and legally can’t even work.

My take is a simplification, but I don’t believe it to be reductive to the point of being false.


i’m way too high atm to say anything but that capitalism is to blame for everything