I am looking for some playtesters to provide feedback on my latest map, You are the Inch Valley Captive!
This is large somewhat non-linear map with three dungeons that spoke off from a central hub area you will begin in and frequently return to. I am curious if there are any softlock situations, confusing moments, and about difficulty tuning. I am also curious about any obvious issues with geometry or slight suggestions, but at this point I am looking to just complete the map and move onto the next thing. There is still some detail work and tweaks I’d like to do in later parts of the map, but I’d say this is about 80% ready for publication and I just want to do all I can within reason to make a map that is fun and more balanced than my previous one.
Download links and details about installation and demo capturing
First of all, because of some unknown engine limitation (I’ve talked with folks in the mapping community to confirm this) You Are the Inch Valley Captive will unfortunately NOT run in the Quake rerelease. This means you will need to use a modern source port. And right now I can only confirm that it will run without issue in Ironwail, which is a fork of Quakespasm so I imagine it will also run there as well. If you discover that it doesn’t run for some reason, that is great to know! Also, I have no clue how this plays on difficulties higher than normal.
Here is a download link to inchrevision.zip which includes the requiredmod and the map files. To install, just dump the entire contents of this zip file into the main directory of Quake, alongside where your id1 folder would normally be located. To play my map, you would just need to follow these steps, more or less:
- Launch Quake and get access to the console (in Ironwail you need to start a new game and get to the start map before this can happen)
- In the console type and enter
game nr-mod
- When you have access to the console again, the next command to type and enter would be
map inchrevision
which should bring you to the start of my map.
I would appreciate any media you can capture to help me reflect on your feedback. A video would be really helpful. But you can also record an in-game demo and share the file with me when you’re ready, which I can play back and watch in my own client. To do that, once you are in the map, just:
- In the console, type and enter
record <whatever you want to call the demo>
- To stop recording simply type and enter
I believe these get saved in the nr-mod
folder when they are created. They should be small files and easy enough to share with me over discord or something (and mine btw is vodselbt, feel free to add).