Puzzle Pavilion

BIT RAT: Singularity

Note: this is also a giant bundle game but I wanted to dig into the puzzle mechanics a bit so I’m posting this here instead of in the giant bundle topic, but know that if you purchased said bundle you already own this game.

Bit Rat: Singularity is basically a puzzle game that takes the base idea of the pipe style ones we’ve all seen in the past (be it in Pipe Mania or something like the hacking minigame in Bioshock) and goes in a very different, markedly more complex direction with it. Rather than transporting water through pipes instead this is focused on transmitting electricity through circuits, and unlike Pipe Mania where you place the pipes upon the playing grid here the circuits are already in place with you just having to rotate them to direct electricity how you see fit. There also isn’t any time pressure in this game, okay maybe this isn’t built off the same idea but it’s still a good reference as a starting visualization point.

So rotating circuits to direct power around a series of rooms to eventually power an exit node seems simple enough but you can’t just rotate circuits at will, you can only rotate a circuit that already has power running through it. If there is one circuit that must be rotated in order to reach the exit node then you’ll have to craft an electrical path to it before you can do so and often this path will be significantly different than the one that’ll ultimately lead to said exit. Even so you can only rotate these circuits if the room is also powered up (the lights are on), and a room can only be turned on if it is connected to a room that already has power (linked rooms have lines between them). This itself is limited as only a certain number of rooms can be lit up at a given time, the capacity set by generators that list both the current number and max number of rooms they can power up. These generators can be connected in series (two four room generators can power eight connected rooms) but then you must be careful not to depower a room that connects them or else you risk blowing one of them out.

The thing is as you play as an AI you yourself can’t flip a light switch, but various humans around you can. You fix this by possessing them and having them turn various rooms on and off, but only certain rooms are reachable from a given location (humans always “spawn” in the same room) and these connections are almost always different from the way room are connected via power. Of course you can only possess a human if the powered-on circuit passes by them, which often requires taking a completely different route than any of the other goals you are trying to accomplish.

This all reads very complicated, so let me take a step back and simplify it by going into macro terms. Rather than have to deal with a single series of things (the circuit) you have to deal with two other sets of factors (the rooms/generators and the humans) that are all overlaid on top of the same grid of rooms but that play by slightly different rules and often can’t all be worked towards at the same time but are all in play at the same time. If you need to rotate a particular circuit you have to make sure power to that room is on, which requires making sure connected rooms are powered on first and that the generator won’t be over taxed. To do this means taking control of a human, which means making sure that the path of the circuit currently reaches them. Doing so may require rotating other circuits which in themselves operate on the “need to have power heading into them and be located in a powered-up room” rules and if either of those things isn’t currently true you may have to undergo a similar “well I guess I have to find a human who can reach this room and make sure the right ones are powered on” song and dance before you can even start dealing with the room/circuit you were initially concerned with.

Is it a lot? Yes. Does it ramp up slow enough to not be initially overwhelming? Also yes. Does it makes the puzzles time consuming? Often yes, in many cases it requires several steps to adjust a single thing and that means it isn’t built to be picked up and played. Most importantly, is it well done? Yes it is. It can be demanding, but it is undeniably clever the way it sets up its systems atop one another. It definitely wouldn’t be a title I recommend for a puzzle game beginner, in fact I’d consider it a more advanced genre entry, but it is one I would recommend in general.

A couple other things worth noting. It is a rather story-heavy game about an AI that gained sentience and is trying to explore and perhaps get out of the system it finds itself in, the story isn’t bad for what it is and doesn’t take too long when it does pop up but it does pop up frequently. The other thing is that the game was designed as a prologue to a theoretical full-sized later game that follows up the events here. This means it is designed to be a few hours long but because they wanted to end it on an example of what the game can be like at its full power the final puzzle is a beast that is dramatically more involved and tricky than what came beforehand. The dev themselves admit that in a fuller game they’d ramp up to such demands much more gradually, and the final puzzle is fair and in truth well designed, but it very much was a “how in the hell am I even gonna start to approach this” wall/punch in the mouth difficulty spike so be forewarned.


Yugo Puzzle

Yugo Puzzle is the latest puzzle game by Qrostar, perhaps my favorite puzzle game developer thanks to their previous games Hanano Puzzle and Jelly no Puzzle. In many ways this game is basically a sequel to Jelly no Puzzle as it is basically built on the same concept but with a pair of small tweaks that have a significant effect on how the puzzles unfold.

For those who didn’t play Jelly no Puzzle (which if you are in the puzzle game topic you really should have, it’s both tremendous and free) your goal is to push all the same colored jellies into each other to form stuck together clumps of them. The things is as the jellies start sticking together they form bigger, often more elaborate shapes that can offer benefits (such as being long enough to bridge smaller holes) and disadvantages (such as not being able to fit through smaller gaps), and that’s pretty much the core of the game. As with those early qrostar puzzlers the concept is basic, what they build around it is not.

Yugo Puzzle is slightly different as the couple differences added in this game do make the core a bit more complicated. The first immediately obvious change is that the jellies now have an animated little hop when they move around as opposed to just sliding right or left. This initially seems like a nice little aesthetic touch until the moment you try to slide through a one tile high gap and realize that said little hop prevents you from doing so. Now you have to take this into account and how a jelly moving on its own (with a hop) differs from a jelly being pushed (slides without a hop) among other subtle little things to figure out. This makes some difference, but the other change is the game’s defining one.

At a certain point the game introduces half tile steps, both vertically and horizontally, and such a simple addition almost completely alters the character of every puzzle it exists in. The most immediate change is that it becomes possible to create ladder-esque structures to allow jellies to move upwards with greater ease, but in truth it adds several things that much of the game is built around figuring out. The horizontal half-steps in particular while subtle can have a huge effect. Fortunately you can press a button to lay a grid over the playing field to more easily see them.

Now you play through the forty included stages and it is good, but notably easier than every other game qrostar has made (which are well known for their difficulty). The thing is there is a secret, a secret that I’m mentioning in bold as it is both very significant and kinda dumb. If you visit the end credits a second time after completing the 40 puzzles and press a ? button it unlocks “a few more trickier puzzles” which is a lot more than a few puzzles, and when you complete those you can do the same thing again to unlock some even harder ones. What this means is that about half the game is hidden in a way most people will miss unless A) told about, or B) they purchased it on steam and notice there are a couple achievement left. This isn’t good! The puzzles hidden here are great and give the game more of the difficulty curve one would expect (I think it is a bit easier than the previous games still aside from one puzzle that vexed me) but yeah, don’t care for how that was handled at all.

The game has added some nice options to make things a bit more manageable. You gain the ability to adjust the faces and colors of everything which hopefully should help those with colorblindness or who hate faces on jelly blocks, and a hint system was patched in after release. You can use a couple a day and I believe each puzzle has two levels of clues available to them. Said clues offer a cropped view of a portion of the puzzle at some point in the process of being solved and in my experience (I legit needed them for one) they are chosen in a way that gives you a good nudge without giving the whole puzzle away.

Let me think if I forgot anything… oh yeah, the puzzles themselves. I’ve described Qrostar as a puzzle genius before and that still holds, and I basically walked into this game with my expectations as high as mine tend to go. I think it can be true that I think the game is both great and yet a small step below what they produced previously. As noted the base concept is slightly more complicated due to being a variant on what came before which leaves it feeling a touch less pure and easily approachable. This is far from a huge flaw but… hell, those first two games are all timers and it’s enough to leave this game on the “merely great” level.

But that still means it is great and if you like puzzle games and have $7 I recommend this as strongly as I can, although I will say that if you haven’t played Jelly no Puzzle already it might not be a bad idea to give that one a shot first.


somehow missed this thread for 6 years lol

good thread




I’ve finally got around to playing Recursed, and I’m finding it very clever. I’m midway through the third area.

Also, this game is very cheap right now.



incredible reviews box, thanks for that

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Yeah that’s one of my favorite review blurbs on a Steam game. Definitely a badge of honor to be dissed by Jon Blow. I hope some day that he plays one of my games and dismisses it out of hand, too.


I just started Recursed a couple days ago and was pretty impressed. Took about 20 minutes for the recursion part to really feel like it was kicking in, but after that all the puzzles were quite satisfying. I don’t think I enjoy it enough to keep finding the time to play it, but I’m really happy with it and might occasionally peck it at over the rest of the year.

I’m impressed at how… embodied? hmmm… I’m not sure what word to use here, but the concept of recursion to me is pretty darn familiar, and somehow this game just grounds it in a way that I was not expecting. I dunno. I’ve read a lot about rocks, can talk about different kinds of rocks, have even carved some small statues out of marble, granite, sandstone. But Recursed is the first time I’ve actually reached out and felt a rock with my bare hand.

I want to show it to some CS student struggling with the concept of recursion, see the light bloom in their eyes. Then go, “Yeah, pretty cool, right? But also, realize that the entire premise of this game is built around the fact that recursion is confusing to think about: please avoid using it when you’re employed.”


yeah it’s a fun game and i love when games can present a familiar concept in a way that gives you a more intuitive understanding of that concept.

re: recursion in a CS context – recursion is a really elegant solution to some classes of problems! the aspect of recursion where it saves the state of previous calls on the stack is nice and intuitive and feels almost “free” from a complexity standpoint (since most programmers are already very familiar with how computers act when functions are called).

the downside, of course, is if you start running into the limits of the language or the platform you’re using where that extra state puts too much of a burden on the memory you have available. tail-recursion sidesteps some of these problems and is sometimes optimized for, but there’s not a great way for languages to optimize the general case.

when you start running into like stack overflow errors or memory pressure, the state-saving being “intuitive” and “free” are actually bad things because now that process which can be mostly invisible to the programmer is what is grinding the program to a halt. had you attacked the problem from a different direction, the memory aspect of the problem would have been a lot more obvious to you since you’d have to deal with directly.

once performance is a problem, you can only really optimize by rewriting your code to be a dumb loop + a stack that you manage yourself so that you can be very selective about what you store there, but that makes it so you lose all the “intuitive” nice parts of recursion and have to deal with messily correlating all your data yourself. or you have to come up with an entirely different algorithm that sidesteps or reduces the memory needed.

like most things in programming, there are certain problems that are very well suited for certain language features, and some problems that are not suited at all. it can be very hard to tell which is which from the onset! so you’re always making tradeoffs, but it’s not always obvious what tradeoffs exactly you’re making.


excuse me, the code probably was dumb long before the loop was involved. loops are great because they don’t hide the magic/burden the programmer with remembering to recurse in the way the compiler/interpreter likes.

remembering a joke on SO where someone’s homework was ‘how do I make a list of 100 random values without a loop’ and my dumb answer was to use an anonymous sub that was passed itself & the current iteration count. the actual answer was to use map


i just started learning recursion and it’s so hard to grasp that i figured it had to be more efficient, so this convo is good news for me

Yeah, I actually rewrote that final quip to be something much less absolute and landed on “please avoid using it when you’re employed”: I think there are some cases where it’s the right call, but they’re pretty uncommon, and the false positive rate on making that call is really high.

For a couple of years now I’ve been playing the vs. mode of Yoshi’s Cookie in short bursts. I’ll play it very intensively for a few weeks then not touch it for several months. I first got into it when I learned that the game has a small but very passionate community of competitive players, many of whom maintain this charade that the game is a wildly popular e-sport:

The NES and SNES versions are pretty similar but the SNES version is the one normally used in tournaments. You get points by matching cookies, but if you match a set of five Yoshi’s cookies (YoCos), you activate whatever status effect is currently displayed above your board. The status effects cycle between those that benefit you and those that benefit your opponent.

Matching single rows of cookies is easy enough, but working on combos of two or more rows is very fun. It’s also advantageous, because if you get a combo of two or more rows, you’re always rewarded with a complete set of YoCos in your next cookie loadout, so you can pile on the status effects if you get into a combo rhythm. That said, sometimes you get super unlucky with your status effect cycle, and if you have too many YoCos on your board but can’t match them because it’ll benefit your opponent rather than you, you’re in a situation known as overbaking :3

Anyway that’s my unnecessarily long post about Yoshi’s Cookie. I’ve been meaning to spread the good word about it for a while! It’s a really under-appreciated arcade vs. puzzler, if you’re into that sort of thing.


I’ve been picking away at Up, Left, Out for a few days, now. I’d have trouble articulating the gameplay (although it’s perfectly intuitive to play) so here’s a trailer to illustrate:

Actually that first puzzle from the trailer is the latest one I’ve completed. It’s kinda wild hearing the sound effects/music I’ve been playing this game totally with the volume turned off. Doing the audio for mobile games must be especially thankless, when you consider that a lot of people probably play through half of your game with the sound off.

Anyway. This is a good one, I think.


I was afraid that Patrick’s Parabox might be like Stephen’s Sausage Roll for me in that I can’t solve a single puzzle. That’s not an exaggeration; I didn’t solve even one puzzle in that game.

But it’s not like that. It eases you into the mechanics and tricks. So even if I eventually get stuck, I will have had at least some puzzle-solving experience.

The game is kind of like a mix of Recursed (see a few posts above this one) and Sokoban. And I like it so far.

(The itch.io version comes with a Steam key.)


The main path through the game feels very doable to me, even for puzzle beginners – more so than basically any other puzzle game with this breadth of mechanics. I think it’s likely more approachable than Baba, even. It’s really really clever and the puzzles are designed to ease you into understanding some pretty high-level concepts.

It approaches some ideas I approach in my ghost puzzle game but with much more finesse. The way it handles basically every corner case makes sense and doesn’t feel obtuse for the sake of it. Really impressive work of design!

I think the game will take me about 10 hours to beat every level (I’m at 9 right now with the large majority of them solved). Not sure how long it will take for a player who doesn’t play puzzle games as often.


350 puzzles, oh boy. I’m 68 down in an hour

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While I’m still insisting on solving every puzzle in room before moving on, I have noticed that Patrick’s Parabox is quite generous in letting you solve just a few before the next area opens up.

This is definitely my favorite song from the soundtrack so far (but I don’t think I’m even halfway through the game yet):

yeah that song is good! i also really like one from a further world but i won’t say the name since it’s the mechanic of the world.

also, yes, i actually main pathed parabox my first time through because i was so interested in what the mechanics would be, and the cleaned up everything else as a second pass.

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200-odd after 6-odd hours, though a good hour has been futzing around with Open 5 which I cannot do. really stuck on a stupid line of reasoning that 100% will not work

the optional extra puzzles are good, the regular puzzles are a bit autopiloty