outer worlds

it’s not ideal, but i am really realizing that what makes these games work for me is specifically that they are in first-person. i find it so much harder to connect with a top-down rpg than a king’s field or ultima underworld or phantasy star* or morrowind or outer worlds

HOWEVER, i don’t really care for the recent deus ex too much, nor for any of the bioshock shit

is prey good? should i be playing prey?

are there other current first-person RPGs that are better than outer worlds?

*even phantasy star 1 doesn’t really work for me, i think i need free-roaming 3d and not grid-based

Prey owns.

like to be clear i wouldn’t describe the combat as bad, it’s just serviceable? the enemy AI isn’t clever enough to really require much in the way of tactics and the higher difficulties just turn everything into bullet sponges. like, it’s ok! combat doesn’t have to be the focus of an rpg. i just wouldn’t go in expecting a compelling FPS. besides, plenty of good feeling shooters tack on half-baked quest/character building stuff, i’m as cool tolerating OW not being amazing at something it isn’t really trying to excel at as i am with fiddling with mostly inconsequential perk allocations in destiny. idk

i do agree on the marauders thing tho. one of the things i liked about new vegas was that various initially antagonistic factions like the powder gang and the khans (hell, even the legion, if you’re completely depraved) had some depth behind them and you could work towards getting them to like you or at least not shoot you on sight. it gives me weird “savage locals” vibes and i don’t like it


it’s on the list pal i promise

why are there so many good games at the moment



ladders are as dangerous to NPCs as they are to fish, it is universal

Sure, I totally agree, it’s just the least interesting bit of the game. Other than the completely unnecessary crafting mechanics and nearly useless majority of the consumables. I’m old and I’m all about skipping the formalities and interacting only with the parts that light up the right parts of my brain.

I was actively ignoring opportunities for loot toward the end because I couldn’t be arsed to look at more menus.

I gave my character low temperament, which removes natural HP regen, therefore rendering most food items useless since they temporarily add a % to your regen. So i toss all food in junk and sell it, and live off my inhaler (which quickly caused me to get addicted to meds lol)

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oh right here are parts 1-4 of my let’s play


I completed this and it was the most straight putt video game experience ive ever head. Went in expecting a B+ game and got a B+ game, modest game with modest goals modestly met. I think the most damning thing is that it’s really just “pretty good” down to the plot and characters. No big surprises. All the companions are OK, they front load the best ones imo, but i got really distracted once i realized that they’re also blatant Firefly ripoffs lol

It felt a lot like Fallout 1. but uhh, if it was a very competent Bethesdalike instead of a lightning in a bottle classic crpg. it has a similar scope and breadth of fun options at the slight expense of depth. I’d play a sequel.

You get a stealth mechanic that lets you walk around in disguise while under a time limit. If it runs out near a guard, you can pass a speech check and get your limit extended. By the endgame my speech scores were all 80+ so i just strolled through the last dungeon, bullshitting everyone i ran into. because i did a bunch of sidequests and helped people the different factions all ran in and started shooting on my behalf, while i walked by whistling and pretending not to see them. it was kind of stupid.

You also get the option to skip to the biggest and most dangerous planet slightly before you’re ready, which is cool, and i recommend taking it because this game is really easy anyway. most of the enemies on this planet spit acid and your companions all have horrifying AAUUGHH IT BURNS GET IT OFF ME screams when they get hit


The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 9th, 2020.

This is the first narrative expansion to the critically-acclaimed and award-winning sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division.

A severed arm and a mysterious message lead the crew of the Unreliable to the Gorgon Asteroid, formerly the site of one of Halcyon’s most ambitious and disastrous scientific undertakings, now a lawless den of monsters and marauders. Wealthy recluse Minnie Ambrose tasks the crew with finding answers about Dr. Olivia Ambrose, her mother and the doomed project’s disgraced director, but they are soon ensnared in an intrigue that will change the colony forever.

Key Features:
• Intrigue and danger: Search an abandoned Spacer’s Choice facility and encounter a cast of new characters as you uncover the mystery behind the sudden cancellation of the Gorgon Project.
• New locations: Explore the treacherous canyons of the Gorgon Asteroid and encounter enemies that have been warped by science.
• More science weapons: Discover three outlandish new science weapons, including the P.E.T. (Pest Extermination Tool), an exciting new melee weapon that draws in enemies for close-range attacks.
• Expanded character customization and lore: An increased level cap, additional perks and flaws, wholly new armor sets, and several variants for existing gear. Plus, dig into the story of the Gorgon Asteroid with new Portable Phonograph audio logs that reveal the salacious secrets of a scientific experiment gone wrong.

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is the first of two narrative expansions that can be purchased individually or bundled at a discount in The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass. A copy of The Outer Worlds on the same platform is required to play expansion(s).