One Sentence Reviews: Castlevania Series

this sounds like a hell of a lot of trouble

i don’t think it’s much trouble, and either way it’s worth the effort. i could help!

help arrived in my dms. now i dont have to go through so much trouble! i love this website, ive never been offered so much help to emulate games


imo videogames have a lot more to learn from the canvas than they do from the silver screen


What’s yr take on John Castlevania

i’ve been wondering if symphony is one of those games where any attempt to judge what the best parts were mainly comes down to how much you liked the music

or… vice versa? would i get the same feeling that i do listening to the Dance of Pales if i didn’t have that lavish pixel art and sense of discovery and mystery to associate with it?

i guess Outer Wall would be somewhat of a counterexample. i wasn’t super impressed initially that the theme was a just a rearrangement of the preceding area’s, but it may have been the part of the game where the atmosphere really first began to grow on me: getting a glimpse of the night sky and weather outside, cementing the scale of the castle, and encountering the first true branching point in the game (almost like a hub with how quickly the elevator gets you around). and the Castle Entrance has way cooler music than anything you did in it; i would always notice it most when warping back there later.

if i had to boil it down then (do i want to?) i’d say it’s the visuals which hit me first and sort of mediate how i process the audio. the Abandoned Mine theme is nothing particularly remarkable, but while watching gameplay segments i find myself “taking it in” more (prominently the “flowing” elements - bass and choir) when looking at the gold brick rooms with the dark 3D-shaded background columns, which convey the strongest feeling of depth and place, to me.

on that note i’d like to take a moment to appreciate how well-done the receding 3D effect is in some of the backgrounds. it works far better than i would have imagined. are there any other games that pull off this kind of thing?

this is a lot of sentences i’m so sorry


think my main complaint of the sotn soundtrack is that it’s all written predominantly in minor. i know transylvania is meant to be grim and all, but it becomes kind of a drag to listen for a while despite all the variety in instrumentation/rhythm/harmony

Dawn of Sorrows is another grey Christmas break without snow

Portrait of Ruin is visiting a brightly lit shopping center where all the different colored stores sell the same thing

Order of Ecclesia is a cup of coffee on a cold early afternoon after coming back from a long walk

Order of Ecclesia makes mundane settings cool again