On the Atari 2600

Your podcast is great, please keep doing it.

Thanks! I have a very solid idea of who I want to have on next but I got sidetracked by life events and then by other projects so it’s been a while since the last episode. But it’s an important project that is dear to my heart and there will be more!

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The black line in the corner of your screenshot there is a basically-unavoidable artifact of how HMOVE works and is called the “HMOVE comb”. If you look at Atari screenshots and pay attention you’ll see them everywhere. Activision had a policy of hiding the effect by ensuring that the first 8 pixels of every scanline were always black by strobing HMOVE on every scanline.


There is only a finite number of possible meanings for this sequence of bytes, so I’m sure someone can figure out why this works if they look at the code.

Additionally, someone created a 2600 game inspired by Shadow of the Beast.