Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

I actually recommend leaving on Glory Kill highlight because it is a vital game mechanic (especially on Nightmare) and the range it indicates might surprise you.

If you get a feel for it and it bothers you, then I suppose you could turn it off, but give it a shot.

That and Interaction Prompt are the only two I left on.

Eh, I haven’t had any trouble telling when an enemy is staggered and able to be glory-killed. I just don’t like how it looks when they suddenly start shining blue/orange.

so about that AAA bullshit

(do not watch the whole video)

So I’ve two and a half levels left and the level design has devolved into a dumber Painkiller, all the opposite of the earlier levels and what I wrote above, so it’s a linear and narrow sequence of locked-in dingy arenas with a few square columns and maybe an upper floor, whoo, and all the enemies do teleport in in waves, but not nearly enough to create interesting situations or at least provide the idiotic zen of Serious Sam where you spend half an hour in a room of square columns strafing backwards and shotgunning 200 skeleton dogs

And I’m a bit overpowered because of all the bullshit I collected and upgraded so I’m thinking more about the checklist grinds than the combat which I can do anything in and succeed, or die and succeed, maybe die twice and succeed, who cares, next checkpoint

There was a Candy Crush easter egg minigame that is unplayable on console because they forgot to put a cursor in or any selection indicator. I cleared a Challenge for finding it (on an obvious workstation in a small office room you must visit) which got me another Weapon Upgrade Point.

The secrets are all either obvious or tedious now and involve discolored buttons or vent shafts

vent shafts

vent shafts

vent shafts

Zero Master pulled off an Ultra-Nightmare run too.

This is the new Doom on Ultra Nightmare difficulty, it is identical to a single segment Nightmare difficulty run, as in you cannot die. Should be the first completed Ultra Nightmare after game released, but let me know if someone did it earlier. Last played is shown as 5/14/2016 8:50:48pm in the video at the end.

I won’t start uploading let’s plays to this channel, but I’ll make an exception since this game is a worthy Doom game and it is a single segment run too!

I run the game on low settings with minimal FOV, so I would recommend a different video if you are curious how it looks at better settings.

It’s not entertaining gameplay in some parts, but it gets the job done. Making a run this long was completely new for me, my longest single segment run was just under 45 minutes with my old Final Doom: TNT Evilution record. So almost 4 hours and 45 minutes was exhausting. That is also part of the reason why I couldn’t be bothered to grab some of the secrets, but I’m sure someone else can do a 100% run, it has never been my kind of thing.

Also, I managed to die just before the final boss yesterday (at 4:35:20 you can see for a couple of frames my helmet where I died, I forgot to get a closer look), however I hadn’t practiced the final boss at all so I am not too disappointed by that, and I didn’t even record that one. Had some moments where I should have died late in this run too, but sometimes you get lucky!

I don’t really want to comment too much about this run, like why I do things the way I do. I am sure there are better movement techniques and choice of weapon modes and overall just how to play the game. I just want to note that my first playthrough was a bit more intense, runes that give you infinite ammo if you have 100 (75) armor won’t be this useful on a first playthrough for example, it allowed me to keep my distance sometimes or make some parts rather easy. Also when you are 4+ hours in and death means you have to do it all over again, it changes your playstyle.

I don’t see myself doing any speedruns of this game because I expect any competition to be on easiest difficulty, and that’s a bit too boring. Running it on nightmare is just too long for me, of course we might see sequence breaks discovered which makes the game shorter, but it would have to be to the point it becomes too easy again.

Time to get back to Doom 2 Nightmare, still need to get a time under 23 minutes.

If you haven’t watched any of my speedruns before, I would recommend my current best time for Doom 2 on Nightmare difficulty, it’s a good combination of a really good time in a very challenging game, or if you want to see the most challenging doom run there is, then my Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment on Nightmare might be a good watch. Enjoy!

Thanks to id Software for making this absolutely amazing campaign! Very fun game, I highly recommend it.

DooM: FEELS LIKE: A Videogame Your Parents Might Buy You, Maybe The Knock-Off Version of that Thing You Like

one of the complaints of the alpha-test was that the color palette was too muted. ID/Bethesda/whoever responded by making the game more colorful: this game feels like a goddamn cartoon anytime you are outside. though while outside I do enjoy that the skyboxes remind me a lot of classic doom/doom II outside levels.

DooM is successful in looking like DOOM III and playing maybe like Painkiller or Quake. (definitely quake) there’s some neat vertical arenas early in the game so far but they don’t feel as tense as DOOM ever did. Many of the combat arenas are gigantic, almost too gigantic for some of the encounters. In level two near the end, there’s an outside sequence right before you finish where the arena is so large compared to the amount of enemies you fight in it that I spent five minutes looking for the last imp that spawned while he occasionally threw fireballs that gave off his location.

The gun I like the most so far: The Assault Rifle.
Gun I dislike the most: The Shotgun.

DooM has great enemy design; so great that in 2016 they still include an enemy in a videogame who’s challenge is “Large Man With Gun and Shield Who Runs At You”

The level design in this game is great, but re: a weird thing about me and 3D space. The spaces in this game feel hollow. Like the game could have featured no textures at all and would have felt the exact same as it does now. DooM is so committed to the tone it sets up in the very first room in the game that The Player Needs To Feel Badass is the only tone the game ever has, which no amount of atmospheric lighting can change. If this is your thing! you will enjoy it! It’s not really my deal but it hasn’t started to rub me too wrong yet.

Why are Keycards only ever attached to dead bodies in conspicuous places.
Interesting thing: you’re playing as the same marine from Doom I/Doom II

Did you play Doom 3?

At all?

Did you ever so much as glimpse a screenshot of it in a magazine?

Do you not realize how that contradicts your complaint of this looking “cartoony”?

I mean in the design and aesthetic, guy. also I said it only looks like a cartoon when you’re outside. anyway gamer cred: I have bought DOOM III at least three times

also I was gonna make a point that DOOM III had its weird techno aesthetic to create a sense of claustrophobia and a specific mood but since DooM has none of that the games levels are basically pointless so far. maybe its better In Hell but from your description its even worse

This is so wrong and so blind I can’t even engage with it. It’s impossible to argue for a specific mood or tone or the absence thereof when you’re saying the game might as well have nothing. That is aesthetic nihilism.

I mean what kind of atmosphere do the levels in DooM actually build though: what does the player gain from these spaces. the original doom functioned on like a curiosity: if you saw an outside area you wanted to find out how to get to it to explore it. the corridors and shapes in the levels were sometimes absurd and abstract. this game draws from Metroid prime but those levels were meant to communicate an idea of an alien planet and foreign ecosystem. I guess if doom was going with “HELL IS BAD” that’s fine, but even the levels in the original game had an interesting appeal with layout and aesthetic. DooM is set in the same factories and maintenance tunnels as DOOM III but benefit from none of the things that game was structured around!

this game is silly fun and I don’t think anything else, it seems weird that a game like this could be released in a world today when there are things like The Science of Doom around.

I mean even if to use re: the second level as an example, the most interest aspect of it is the giant chamber filled with lava functioning as the hub. the fire communicates that hey, you’re pretty close to hell - a portal to hell opens at the end of this level! but the exploration takes advantage of none of the aesthetic and puts you in industrial corridors for most of It.
the third level has that groovy portal open in the sky but sticks you inside, again, for most of it.

I can understand the appeal of the game and why its fun I just don’t think its anything particularly interesting or amazing. just a good clunky fun fps I guess

I will have a good answer to that post in fourteen hours or so.

this is a pretty good review which seems to affirm the mid-game level design being the best part and the UI / various distracting menu options being the worst.

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I turned off the UI/HUD for the most part and pretty much only reference it when I’m near the end of the level doing upgrades. I don’t even check the map because the layouts aren’t very mazelike

What level are you up to? They considerably vary. A few of them I’ve gotten lost in.

enough to know what to expect from the levels themselves. they are large but I’ve not seen any overlap in interesting ways that made me go “huh” like SB Darling Metroid Prime does

The environments are designed in service of the combat. (This does not give them a free pass, but it’s something to keep in mind.)

Metroid Prime’s combat, in and of itself, is quite possibly the absolute worst and most weightless tedious lock-on pew-pew trash any major FPS has ever had.

This is something else and something grand but I need to be seated in front of the screen to get into how this game gets into it.

yeah fwiw I think there’s very little good or interesting to say about Metroid Prime in 2016, it hasn’t even aged poorly so much as it’s aged into irrelevance

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Nobody Learned Anything From It, Except The DooM Developers Apparently (they cited it as a major inspiration!)

They both have:

  1. coherent alien environments (except DOOM 2016’s industrial interiors are classic id with no real parallel in MP)
  2. color-coded power doors between self-contained arenas (except DOOM 2016 doesn’t need this and does have some expansive exteriors and the whole of Hell)
  3. optional lore I don’t care about

DOOM 2016 uniquely has:

  1. enemies worth saying anything about
  2. weapons worth saying anything about
  3. interplay between 1 and 2 worth saying a lot about

Also, there is no “DooM” and “DOOM III”.