Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

Counting it out I think it’s got quite a few flaws –

  • Music often great but not consistently loud/dynamic enough
  • Demon design straddling a line between scary, detailed, and characterful and ending up only busy
  • Levels too long and too full of dead space caused by reiterating for secrets, an unfortunate collision of making secrets more meaningful and the much greater density of a modern 3D level next to a classic Doom level
  • Sharper rendering reduces ability to be interpreted as goofy

But still, giving me a brand new shooter base, and delivering gorgeously intense and smooth 20 to 200-second fights can overcome all of that. Flawed but masterful.


Oh my gosh this so much. I got the PC version on sale and was ready to play the game with my stupid fancy gamer headphones and wow was it underwhelming compared to my memories of the PS4 version

I did one level of it. I was disappointed to find they weren’t arenas or just little compelling chunks of levels but actual speedruns of the entire real levels, which are too long for that kind of sustained thing. What I loved about it was the fact that it was like “here are all the fully-upgraded weapons you’d have by this point, and all the runes, choose whatever loadout you want.” I just want to play the singleplayer normally in exactly the same way. All the score chain boost medal whatevers nonplussed me utterly.

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I mean yes, this would be great. Pistol jumping that feels just like tau jumping in half-life 1 would be best imo.


Only watched 3 minutes and this is exactly what a modern DOOM game should be like. The enemies look more like the enemies of the original games, the environment looks more varied than NuDOOM’s, new movement options look awesome… Hell, this is great. NuDOOM II: More Blades!!!

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Super into the new movement options. This looks dope!


Wait, there are extra lives now? That’s interesting, wonder where they’re going with that.

I’m so glad that they’re not resting on their laurels and are innovating.

NuDOOM was already Nintendo-levels of gameplay-first game design quality and this takes it even further. Truly a New Way To Play

The only thing I don’t like about this trailer is that it was played with a gamepad.

Super hype

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This is going to own so, so hard.

Just posting these videos as I find them.


Very happy that the art direction is cartoonier and more characterful. And the hints that level direction is being rethought; it wasn’t terrible but the pacing was really screwy as you could spend hours crawling empty levels for secrets.

With that incredible combat core this should be an easy homerun for them.


I really quite liked the level design in the first nu-Doom even if it didn’t always justify being so setpiece-driven; this looks to have gotten away from that and much closer to the original games, which I’m ambivalent about, but it certainly looks great and looks like it feels great


I can clarify and say, the combat staging and multi-layered nature of the levels was excellent, but the application of classic secret-hunting to levels this large was poorly-considered and scales to take something like 10x the time for every doubling of level size. Arcade mode fixed most of those issues by forcing you to ignore secrets!

Setpiece arenas were mostly fine and subtle enough that it didn’t feel constrained, but there were a few duff ones like the nuclear reactor climb that were a bit too restrictive.

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One thing that came to mind watching how the plasma rifle works in that video is that this series is as much a successor to Halo as it is to Doom. Like Halo, the aesthetics are intended above all for rapid readability in motion, allowing complex arenas full of enemies and obstacles that come across as exciting and engaging (rather than messy and overwhelming).


All that footage looks exactly like what you’d see on a TV in a movie when the screenplay says

“A youth plays a hyper violent videogame and is oblivious to his mother calling him for dinner”

And the kid is just going absolutely nuts on the thumbsticks.

And do none of those enemies look like they were a credible threat?

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I watched that Phobos video first and was very meh on it, then I looked at the other video and I’m much more pumped. THOUGHTS:

  • Yay, more colour! Though, could still do with more colour
  • All the weapons still sound like pea shooters, make them sound meatier
  • The new weapons and alt fires look like a lot of fun
  • The new movement options look wild, I like the grapple a lot.
  • The more open ended level design seems… interesting. Will have to wait and see if the designers have a good sense of flow.

I think they’re just playing up the speedy blastemtobits vibe with ace playing + tailored layouts for these clips. But who knows, momentum and ammo made quick work of most enemies before. I expect some good resistance.

I N V A S I O N S!? shiiiiiiiit, perfect addition

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Invasions seem neat but not fully worth the work to me unless something changes in the death system; if the game assumes you’re F5-F9-ing all over the place this is kind of silly.

I think this is a hint that the game might be moderately open-world in construction, actually. Certainly we should assume any expensive single-player game from now until the end of time is open-world until proved otherwise.




please stop, video games