Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

y-you want the glory kills to be charged farts, don’t you? D:

These would be easy to aim because Doomguy has two butts one in front and one in back. #canon

I like big farts,

I cannot lie

Finished this game’s single player. Thought the ending was poor. I was genuinely interested in a resolution to this story, but it definitely felt like they were saying “u gamerz wanted doom WE MADE DOOM you fucken killed all the demons now stop complaining”

Combat was interesting right up to the end, although I found that there was minimal to zero interesting continuity between encounters. I essentially had full ammunition and mostly full health and armor between every major encounter. If I was running low on ammo I would just chainsaw the first imp or zombie I saw and be right back up to full ammo for every single weapon. It might as well have just been a series of arena challenges.

The arena challenges were good though! Every fight felt like an interesting use of space that hadn’t been done before in the game. Well, every fight except boss fights which were pretty bland (other than the double hell mech things with worms in them, that was pretty cool).

I was happy that, even near the end, the mixtures of enemies were pretty varied, and Imps still remained semi-viable threats, especially in large numbers. Mancubi as bullet sponges weren’t very interesting though, as I was usually able to avoid all damage by staying out of range and just blowing them up with patience. I think their best application was with a Baron of Hell or a group of Hell Knights that would force you to use lots of space to avoid damage; the area around a Mancubus was essentially dead space and had to be accounted for while fighting the larger threat.

My interest in exploration abruptly ground to a halt 2/3 of the way through when I had 25 weapon upgrade points and nothing I cared to do with them. I had also upgraded the suit to where I wanted it to be (full ammo and health upgrades) and didn’t care to get more. The reward for getting those tiny dolls was not enough for me to go out of my way looking for them, and finding secrets was mostly about looking at the automap and going “oh, that part is gray.” It didn’t help that some maps had one-way sections, and it wasn’t clear which was the secret route and which was the expected route.

Most used and favorite guns:

Combat Shotgun - mostly used grenades to blow up low level enemies. That was the first weapon I upgraded to max and saw use all the way to the end of the game. It was a hell of a lot of fun to use.
Gauss Rifle Thingy - Great for killing larger enemies as long as I had ammo, and I loved charging it up and blasting in semi-sniper mode.
Rocket Launcher - The tracking rockets were good for killing Mr. Flying Skeleton Missile Boys. Their splash damage wasn’t appreciable though. Still, good fun.

Least used guns:

Super Shotgun - what a fuckin shame
Plasma Rifle - boring, would rather use Gauss Laser Explodey Thingus
Chaingun - boring, would rather use assault rifle tiny rockets
BFG - only on bosses

Most used boring gun:

Assault rifle - very practical, especially with mini rockets, but not very interesting.

Multiplayer is tepid but serviceable. Snap map is a fucking drag and takes forever to load, but I suspect more interested parties would do interesting things with it. The tutorials for Snap Map are down the last time I checked. I guess they were hosted online and aren’t there anymore??

Now that I’m finished with the game, I’m left with an unscratchable itch for more Very Good AAA Games That Don’t Have a Ton of Bullshit In Them. I guess that’s a compliment?? I enjoyed my time with the game and would definitely have bought a single player DLC campaign (that I suspect will never be made.)

EDIT: I played on Hurt Me Plenty and I still feel like the difficulty was a tad low, but I didn’t want to change halfway through. I’d like to say I died about 25 times, which sounds like a lot, but those were only on a handful of encounters, most of them bosses. The boss deaths were really just a matter of memorizing the patterns, not doing anything interesting. Best single encounter was near the end when you pull up in a train and half to fight in this very interesting space that included 3 distinct tiers, an electrified pit, and a section sandwiched between an balcony above and the train on the other side. I died a few times there and it felt very satisfying to finally clear it.


The ending reminds me a lot of Half-Life 2, with a similar theme being propounded.

I think maybe the worst thing that Half-Life brought into the world, expanded upon by Bioshock, is the “all FPS games have a lying or otherwise misleading character leading the player on by the nose and then betraying them at the end.” I thought about this a lot while playing Doom.

snapmap is less bad than i made it out to be

glory kills are still incredibly asinine and sort of a dealbreaker for some people

multiplayer is just mediocre. it’s not bad

i like the level design.

music sucks, sound design is great

i think i’m done thinking about this game forever now

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But I mean, Doom is good because obviously the doctor guy is just an asshole using you, but Doomguy doesn’t care because he’s a rage machine who just wants to kill demons. And this lets him kill demons. Like I don’t think there’s any misleading going on, really.

I think the need to put a character like Doctor Sammy Roboto in (who does actively mislead you when he puts the tether on you by surprise, then uses it at the end to restrain you) is still informed by that “every AAA FPS is about lack of player choice” that seems to still be a thing. Coulda just been the DOOM guy waking up and killin’ some demons, ORRR it could have had an interesting resolution. I’d prefer either of those.

this viewpoint may just be becayse of the lack of AAA FPSes i play though.they all seem to have some sort of character like this. and i really thought Portal would have put an end to that by being the best example and also a parody.

Gotta set up that sequel homey

Part of my love for HL2 is the ways in which it leaves open a truly awesome opportunity to resolve Gordon’s lack of agency through an integrated whole of story and mechanics, and the fact that Valve is what Valve is these days makes me incredibly grateful that they are seemingly never going to make HL/Ep3.

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yeah you’re right, flippin sequels


can we get a triple AAA version of hexen


no because hexen sux

But that mace… :frowning_face:

look i really want to love hexen and the opening area is fantastic but it’s a good doom clone mixed with a really, really bad myst clone

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does it suck or does it suck just well enough you could conceivably stretch the 25 minutes of good ideas out it has into a 40 hour triple a, open world experience

with crafting

seamless mace integration


Blood imo


I’d play a Hexen rpg

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Y’all ever play that Half-Life RPG thing? I think it was a Sven Coop map actually. You’d pick a “class” which would determine your starting weapon, and as you leveled you’d get progressively more powerful versions of the weapons, but they were still just the regular Half-Life weapons. Except the crowbar was replaced with a sword model.