Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))


The little tribute to Dead Simple was cute.

Cyberdemon was a bit of a pushover. Second visit to Hell was fun, though felt more Quake-like for some reason. Now I’m in a snow area, a nice change of scenery.


whoa i’m glad no one spoiled the final boss, that was a really nice surprise. bullshit ending tho. had a really fun time with this game.



god I wish this meme of ‘they ruined the E3 demo’ would die


Yeah I think it looks way better. It’s striking how much they managed to improve it.


it’s doom but without the movement which was the best part of new doom!


VR fps warping as glory kills seems like a nice try at doing something interesting with that VR mechanic. it’s still just going to be DOOM but worse


when is moe doom


someone play all this newly free DLC with me, I haven’t even touched the multi

OK, I tried this for like 45 minutes last night

I got promoted to lv 10 and was no longer eligible for “beginners only” matches after like three rounds so I think there’s a double XP mod on right now

it’s fun enough but it’s no titanfall 2

tried this

fast! and fun! and delivers on some of the promises of doom3! and oh my god the glory kills are anathema to my soul. the only constants to the game are your on-screen weapons, your hud, and endless canned glory kills. it’s one thing to have canned invuln finishers like resident evil 4, it’s another to put it in first-person perspective, have a limited number of animations, and then make it such a core element of the gameplay loop that you’ll see the same (personally unsettling) glory kill animations literal thousands of times. so fucking distasteful. i think that might single-handedly have ruined this game for me.

how did we go from the doomguy grinning maniacally when he picks up the chainsaw to him having to do a “stylish” gore porn kill every fucking time? why do i need to fucking curb stomp demons. it’s an instant immersion killer. it’s fucking asinine.

imagine if when playing mortal kombat, every special move had a fatality animation. even fucking mortal kombat has more restraint than doom. seriously?

also snapmap is utter garbage what the fuck. multiplayer is incredibly tepid.

let’s continue to edit this post, shall we

the level design is pretty fucking good. pretty impressed by that. i like the halo nods (this game feels like a faster halo/quake/rage hybrid sometimes) with using ranged attacks to soften enemies and then finishing with melee attacks. environmental design is impressive.

the music is very bleh, and the sound design is a bit over the top imo.

graphically stunning, i mean wow. this game looks amazing!

i’m very torn. i want to play some more because it’s fun but it also makes me feel kind of sick. why is the level editor worse than the doom 1 level editor. that is pretty mindboggling to me

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Also picked this up over the weekend. The glory kills are initially what made me not want to buy this game - it definitely seems pornographic. Interestingly, the kill animations are much shorter than what they had at E3. Makes me wonder if they slowed it down for E3, or if they sped it up before release.

Regardless, the glory kills haven’t turned me off as much as you, although I agree they are wholly unnecessary. Let me just smack the demon with my gun and have them explode or fall over or whatever. I think the reason the animations don’t ruin the game for me is because they are so fast and I can basically just ignore them. The repetition is grating though.

Mechanically, I think they work pretty well. Like you said, it feels sort of Halo-like, and in a good way. I’ve also really enjoyed jumping off a cliff to smack a Cacodemon, then falling down to the level below. Very satisfying.

The one non-mechanical thing I like about the glory kills (god I hate that name) is that you get to see the monster models more closely. I like the amount of detail they have, and I’m glad that there’s a real reason to see some of that.

Music is okay. It’s pretty clear that the music isn’t up to the level of the original when you can walk into a classic map and hear those good, good tunes. I never fully appreciated Doom music at the time, but I certainly do now. Especially how understated they can be versus “IT’S TIME TO KILL” GUITAR NOISES “YEAHHHHH”

I’ve enjoyed exploration in this game far more than it deserves. I really appreciate the quiet time between doing murders, even though most of what I am doing is bringing up the map, making two jumps, then bringing up the map again. I’ve maxed out my level of exploration so now secret items show up when I’m near them. I still only manage to find half the secrets in any given level.

The player progression is okay! But again, it’s a nice quiet time between massacres, which I appreciate very much. It also gives me the chance to have a shotgun that also shoots grenades which…yeah, that’s good. I like completing the challenges for the final weapon upgrades as well.

The game is easier than I expected. I’m playing on Hurt me Plenty, and have only died a handful of times, usually because I was distracted. It does force the player to move around a lot and take advantage of the terrain though, which is nice. Still, for a person who stinks at FPSes, this is surprisingly easy. I might bump up the difficulty later.

Imps are the best. I could play a whole game fighting powered up versions of the Imps. The way they crawl on walls, leap between level features, dodge shots…it’s the best animation in the game by far.

It’s weird how good the level design is versus the total pointlessness of the glory kills. On the one hand you’ve got levels where every piece matters and can be utilized in various ways. On the other hand, you have a “Press F to punch in the eye of a Cacodemon for the 80th time and get 5 health” feature. It’s weird.

EDIT: The Mancubus kill animation is genuinely nauseating, I forgot that. I try my hardest to kill them without melee because it’s super fucking gross.

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I love this deeply flawed game to itty bits so I’m going to reiterate myself:

I wish the finishers were charge-release moves. They talk about glory kills as a risk-reward mechanic but it’s completely not; since you go into a canned animation of indeterminate length they have to extend invincibility all over it (otherwise the player takes cheap shots on exiting).

Instead, I’d prefer the risk to come before starting the attack: hold down a button to charge up a distance, then release and crush through any stunned demons. Building up the charge stops/extremely slows your movement; of course, you can release early, maybe not getting your kill but shunting out of the way of the fireball coming at your face. The health reward is now properly earned, and we preserve the tension of the Half-Life style health (i.e., plentiful health drops on enemies, increasing as the player’s health is lower, to ease the player into playing at <50% life as often as possible).

yes, Wario was a formative influence on me


also why you love farts so much

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