notes on procedural worlds

Wave function collapse looks pretty cool I’ll have to investigate that a bit more.

My initial idea was to divide de map into a grid of hex tiles (because hex tiles are cool) but, as much as I like the hex aesthetic, I’m thinking of doing a naturalistic “continuous” map now, as an overworld. Thinking of just generating it at a high resolution and just dividing the play area into zoomed-in sectors.

Yes, that’s the approach I’ve decided on as well.

I’ve been noodling around a bit with the heightmaps, applying a falloff mask to give it a woldmap-like appearance of landmass surrounded by oceans, but I think the first mask I made is too aggressive. It leaves an elliptical area in the middle that results in a pangea-like continent with some lakes or just a smaller island, depending on your sea level settings

this is the map without the oceans. I will likely change to a gentler, square mask instead of this aggresive elliptical one

And this would be the noise heightmap before applying the mask. I haven’t worked out a good way to generate the biome map, but that’ll likely be the next step, then rivers, roads and settlements.

Anyway, don’t pretend to hijack the thread, but I will post more progress if ppl are interested