Not another steppe closer, Oynon, I'm sick

I’ve rummaged through Laura’s house and found huge amounts of food before. Maybe it’s accumulative or something, but check back another time maybe. Although, it sounds like you’re learning what it takes to survive through the hobo economy so I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

Good luck!

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I convinced four, four! of my friends to buy this as the inaugural game in our playing club. I have done a very good deed.


Finished day 2 and my club is gonna meet tomorrow to share thoughts. I’m amazed that one of my friends thought to turn himself in on day 1 so I’m pretty excited for how are paths will diverge


Is it recommended to restart the game at a certain point? I haven’t reloaded earlier saves so far and I plan on soldiering on for as long as possible but I’m not confident I’ll make it.

There’s no specific point that anyone suggests to restart at, I think. You probably know best if you are really in a spot that’s not survivable, but definitely the thing to struggle against is the thought that there’s nothing you can do - because truly you can probably go mug someone and steal their food, or sell something valuable, etc. Those are the times where I think the game works to get you in and expects you to get yourself out of :slight_smile:

But it’s hard! Keep us updated on your adventure, I’m always interested to hear and talk about Patho 2.

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I’m on the evening of Day 3 right now and my near future is survivable. Out of my group of friends that I’ve brought along for the ride, one is at the same point yet has died >7 times. I’m not sure what to tell him because he seems ready to quit.

I like the desperation and unclear objectives in Pathologic 2. I haven’t died yet, but I’ve come very close more than once. However, my motivation waned and I haven’t returned to the game in a couple weeks because

  • The PS4 version crashes periodically. I don’t always remember to save and I end up having to take the same slow-walking trips more than once.
  • The game introduced crafting. There are clues about where to find the elements, how to combine them, and what the products do, but just thinking about figuring that out and taking notes is exhausting. (I’m averse to crafting in general, with rare exceptions such as the forge in Dragon Quest 11.) I’d thought this game would be better without using a guide, but I may find and print a tincture guide when I next return to it.

I referenced a guide for tincures too. My brain no good to remember what flowders go good together.