Nier 2

It’s fucking great!

Now I’m starting to get a little frustrated on this one boss that causes shock rings while throwing trash mobs on you due to how hectic it can get but there’s some window during dashes where you can’t seem to jump instantly. Had to turn my settings to low due to chugging a little there for me. Not to mention the annoying auto aim going on when to many targets are close together when I’m trying to hit something specific.

this game is a much milder offender, but it’s absurdly endemic

your companions in this game have some pretty laughable pathfinding

Their magical warps are a regular source of hilarity.

I find the infinite double jumping due to helper interactions with perspective changes amusing.

Just plowed through loop A. That was a pretty cinema esque ending but now I’m ready for some despair.

How dare you assume I would get this wrong rather than extending the observation to yet a third fellow

I am finding myself very frequently just looking at the scenery. Game is weirdly serene.

All the conversations between the Pods throughout the “Loop 3” Chapters built up quite nicely to that credits sequence.

I was gonna talk about it more with spoiler blur but no…well I’ll just keep it simple and mention it stirred me back to feelings like the original Katamari Damacy credits gave. But building upon Nier’s “delete your data” concept for an even greater effect.

Think I’m gonna play without shockwave - it feels like it trivializes the combat quite a bit. May use it later if there are enemies that justify it.

About six hours in now.

I’ve missed this world.

I think this game’s desert is my favorite since Journey.


i didn’t really know what to think about this game until the third loop but now i’m pretty sure it rules

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No, I was, uh, clarifying for benefit of History

So I’ve started loop B and my map is showing me an icon of a body I supposedly lost during the final boss of loop A. It’s showing up underground so I guess that means I can’t get it until the Goliath attacks again and creates the crater. I lost my auto pick up chip on that body. So I’ve got an interesting challenge if I want to get those chips back.

Holy shit Ending E, you are perfect.

I love this game so much.

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Just found out you can pet and fist bump your pod, goty.

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Oh man, you can remote control machines if you hack them before they notice you. And you can even body hop to other machines. 9S best boy.

in getting the last couple of endings is there any delete all your saves stuff i should know about