MUWT 2: The Quickening

who the fuck told you this

I want names


i’ll just say a Kotaku video editor who isn’t Tim


mostly he said that Tom Hardy has a bizarre accent that sounds most reminiscent of Bobcat Goldthwait

Raiders is basically a perfect action-adventure movie, possible offscreen teenage sex nothwithstanding

I mean name any action scene better than the truck scene, or the fistfight with the huge Nazi by the weird flying wing fighter. You can’t.


I mean sure, Temple is weird and basically bad and Crusaders is basically a comedy (pretty good one though) but Raiders man. Raiders.


Raiders is fine. It’s the only good one. I’ve never been blown away by it.

Basically Spielberg peaked in the 70s


Never picked up on this before and holy shit gross

in fairness “just a kid” could easily mean that she was like 20 and he was 30 depending on how they’re framing it

I don’t think it’s a particularly egregious example thanks to Spielberg knowing enough to leave his horn dog friend’s suggestion ambiguous

hell at that rate the idea of a woman actually holding her professor sleeping with her against him is borderline progressive for 1981


Your hererosexual white male-ness out does us all.


speaking of indy

just an article about how movie fascist caricatures allow people to just say “that’s not me/us” easier


yes, movies like this for sure helped reinforce the horrifying fiction that we in the US are “the good guys,” and this was undoubtedly the intent, too

I didn’t say this was fine and great or anything

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also, before I forget to dump my thoughts

oh no

Alita was good

all my teeth-gnashing and mocking over the past 9 months about the eyes and how this movie was being sent out to die with three separate release dates was for naught once I got to the first action scene and went oh wait, Robert Rodriguez knows how to stage and shoot action and work heavily with VFX

well, if we got a second Pacific Rim, this should get like, 3 more movies and a prequel, right

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Unfortunately it will probably take around 7 more movies before they get to the Penis Monster from Mercury

“Good” is a strong word for Alita but, like, it was ok. Great production design, very good action scenes and meh to bad on everything else, so for a Hollywood action movie that’s doing pretty well.

one of my favourite things about you is how no matter how busy you get as an adult, you’ve always seen every new action movie within days of its release in theatres


You just have to go alone at 10 by yourself after the kids are down. Never sleep, is the key.


laughing maniacally at anyone who doesn’t go to movies early in the AM or late at night

I bet you see movies during the weekend too



i still can’t help but like indiana jones a lot, but the series is definitely uh ‘problematic.’ i think it became such a mainstream success so quickly and resolutely that it is easy to forget that spielberg & lucas looked to old genre movies and serials and stuff for inspiration in a way that was more or less the same game as idiotic ‘anti-political correctness’ crusaders, and basically wanted to to a movie where Men were Men and Colonizers had to protect the Treasures of the World from crude native children or whatever. making Jones an archaeologist who wants to keep fascists from getting artifacts is more or less just a cover for some white man’s burden bullshit.

i think the stuff with marion is basically part of this. like lucas thought jones statutory raping a teenager made him more like one of his heroes of old. it’s gross!

this is why temple of doom is the best one, btw, because it is so unrepentant in its bullshit that it is almost possible to look at it as self-satire


and then Lucas did it without outside assistance again 15 years later and blessed us with Jar Jar and Watto