Mr. Robot

lol whiterose and ecorp man literally at mar-a-lago good grief

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hi s03e07 spoilers

just read an interview with a producer/writer and some comments sections re: the deaths at the end of the episode. the staging of the suicides and the swat team’s raid were originally intended to be two different scenes, but were intercut to add a “will they get out of this???” ambiguity, the hope for the viewer being that the Good Guys get there in time to . . . what, exactly? i’m legit taken aback by this gulf in perception between me and (the apparently successful intent for) the audience.

mr robot of all shows and i’m supposed to be like “wait, don’t despair yet Two Brown Hackers In The Middle of A Massive Framejob, here come the boys in blue!” instead of clutching my purse tighter the second these fuckers start kicking down doors. like i literally thought the point of the scene was “oh it’s the cops ok so they’re definitely fucked then. savage.” which basically still did end up being the case, i just don’t get what 2017 anybody is living in where you could possibly be watching that play out imagining law enforcement getting there earlier could’ve improved the situation at all

anyway good ep

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seeing that this thread exists I wanted to come in here and say I tracked a small bit of ADR for the Mr Robot VR film (you can google it and watch it online) and the producer from the virtual reality company was maybe the biggest alive-and-breathing hollywood stereotype I’ve ever met.

when the actor didn’t show the first time because of a scheduling mishap, I spent 45 minutes talking to her because I was nice and let her send some emails out while we chatted. at one point she asked me if I watched mr. robot, and I said no, I hadn’t seen it yet.

“Well, I just don’t get the show. I just don’t get it.” leans in

“I think they make it for stoned teenage boys.”


hollywood producers are so frickin’ weird

given the work you do B_coma you wouldn’t happen to know Dan Jevons would you?

s03e07 spoilers, etc.

I think that particular scene at the end worked less to make it seem like the two of them would survive, but more to obscure if the Dark Army would make a mistake or what their exact plan was. When their on-site leader was talking about being willing to sacrifice one’s own life I pondered for a few seconds if the Dark Army foot soldiers were gonna stay there to die in a fire fight with the FBI to fully sell that this was a real plan and those two were fully involved. If given more time I would have likely went “nah, they probably don’t want everyone to know they are involved” but by placing the scenes so close together I didn’t have the time to figure that bit out until afterwards.

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I can’t say I do, but he seems to be working on the Life is Strange Legendary Pictures project, which would be the closest to crossing paths we’ve gotten (clearly, the folks who worked on performance in the games are not going to be let within 100 yards of the thing because that’s the way it is!)

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i was a bit conflicted with how the show is cleaning up loose ends left and right since mid-season 2, but that’s actually exavtly what made me feel like you did, somehow this ‘yeah, maybe they’ ll bail them out’ moment never materialized, i was expecting it to be a bloodbath at best.

When you think about it, and from season 2=>3 there was quite some time for that, it is nice that this show follows through and doesn’t give the characters any chance of being the hacking kiddos heroes that other movies so often do, where you hack them bad guys into prison and FIN.

Still, that 18-rating was there for a reason…

Good heartbreaking heightened reality ep.

Finally caught up on this season. It has gotten better with every episode! I’m pretty impressed. This is a huge improvement on season 2, and it feels like it’s really tangibly digging itself out of the slow malaise of season 2 and the beginning of season 3. The show is readying itself for a major realignment in a way that it has completely emotionally earned.

I was bummed about Trenton and Mobley’s fate though. They were two of my favorite characters!

Tyrell randomly quoting Trump’s “no puppet” gaffe in last week’s episode was so awkward… I don’t know how that made it out of the writer’s room.

Weak revelations and essentially undoing season 2, which was by far the most creativally interesting and emotionally true so far. I sure hope Esmail actually does know how he plans to end this story and that this is building up to something but this is pretty underwhelming.

I liked the first season a lot but I never can stand this “oh no I didn’t realize people were going to get hurt in an attempted revolution” shit or “we could bring down this evil corporation but there’s janitors in the building we want to blow up and we’ve never heard of fire alarms.” show keeps feeling like it’s dragging its feet and going nowhere by the end the season. do we got a time machine here or what, what the hell, let’s get on with it already. also there’s too much music. why does the plugz song from the end of repo man need to play over a 30 second scene of the two fbi people deciding to get lunch


mr. robot taking place in 2015 for four years like some miserable lingering hangover really enhances the tone tbh


Honestly very amused by the whole “The Illuminati Started in 1989…” Forest Gump intro laying everything out so ridiculously plainly like a Metal Gear cutscene

“Let’s strive to keep it :100:” is a WILD little piece of character. Janice is great

the snowman was a very funny bit


Is this new season any good so far? I wasn’t impressed with S3 but I want this show to be good again.

I’ve liked the first two episodes but I also thought that season 3 was a bit of a bounce back after a fairly weak season 2, so do with that as you will.

I bounced at like ep 2 when the guy started gong off about the gold standard. Is that the level of conspiracy we are dealing with or does it get more interesting?

If so are there episodes one should skip or other general viewing advice?

Jesus Christ that footchase is honestly one of the all time greatest, funniest heist scenes what a disaster

Let Sam Esmail make a Lupin project


most recent episode is obv. the artsy ep of this season, and delivers at that.

i was a bit wary about the plot thread getting a bit thin in s4, and am still not fully convinced they can untangle everything over the course of the next three eps (or even less?), but i kinda want them to follow through with it