Movies You Watched Today: Return Of The Thread (Part 1)

Is this a Ring tv series?

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I was watching Ronin last night while in bed and couldn’t watch it anymore. Robert the Niro is such a Gary Stu or whatever the fuck in that movie, like, he even hablos francais, and I had to look away when he and Natascha McElhone kiss. Ew! Nobody should have to kiss him, his breath is probably a miasma of asparagus and coffee and whatever weird parts of the pig’s asshole people like to eat.

The best part was

I love raspberry jam, I’ll have you know.

Def not.

Watched Ep4, decided to take one… ok, two or three screencaps to give an idea of what made me recommend this show.


Just could not decide which one was best fit to do the job!


Maybe they accidentally rented only wide angle lenses. At least it’s going for something, which is better than a lot of shows.

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angel dust answers the question: what if the silver case wasnt full of references and slurs and pedophilia, and came out five years earlier, and was green as FUCK

traumatized chain smoking detective is mk ultra awakened (or is she) through sleazy psych with evil lips she cant stop thinking about

the music in the movie fucking RIPS SHIT and its made even better by the eerie quiet through half the movie


I watched Night Moves (1975) on Criterion Channel last night because it’s leaving at the end of the month. I went in knowing nothing about and I thought it was really good. Also, incredibly devastating and I will think about the ending for a long time.


hmm, looks interesting, is this show available on US Netflix? Can’t seem to locate it.

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Hmmm not sure, it has been put on yuropean/german NFX last two weeks iirc, maybe you are trailing behind a bit?

It’s a 2020 show, so i would’ve assumed that it has hit US shores already.

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i saw the new bond movie. the craig era keeps up the alternation between ones i like and ones i don’t like, but that means it ended up with 3 bad ones, but also the 2 highlights of the whole franchise for me. oh well.

so much about that sopranos movie was extremely corny. i couldn’t ever recommend it but i didn’t dislike it. adds to the pressure I’ve been feeling lately to rewatch the show.

one of the files on ptp right now is being flagged for the reason: “it’s purple”

and it’s also thanos


that’s what dolby vision web-dls look like on non-dolby vision displays

can’t believe how annoyed I still immediately get anytime I’m reminded there are large numbers of people who think the ending of the sopranos was about “oh no I just realized after six seasons somebody might try to whack me someday.”

and this prequel movie now, starting on a graveyard, hearing the voices of the dead, all these cycles of death being perpetrated, the obvious ominous shots of kid tony in the restaurant from the end of the show, of course because that’s where someday in 2007 he is famously going to feel paranoid for a minute


Something utterly grim about a sopranos prequel movie, released 15 years after a final season that was decidedly final, which leans heavy on the mafia portion of the show. Almost a betrayal of the best parts of the show. “you want more candy, here’s more candy”. Everything can be flattened.


i know it probably comes from a sympathetic place but not a fan of hiring the sons of dead actors to play younger versions of their characters

new pta movie also suspect bc of this. weirdly the kids are kinda similar looking despite the parents being very different (gandolfini and phillip seymour hoffman)


though i guess in anderson’s defense it’s not like the hoffman boy is playing a younger version of i dunno the mattress salesman from punch drunk love… unless…

edit: it was mattresses wasn’t it. that movie is good imo


Zack Synder’s remarkably square australian owl movie
for some reason i was under the impression this was, like, interesting


that’s that, mattress man


I decided to watch Mutant because it’s a zombie movie starring Wings Hauser, but it takes an hour to get the ghouls, and then when we finally get to a ghoul, it cuts immediately back to Wings Hauser and the local school teacher wandering around town.

It’s disappointing because they look decent and only using the most basic of make-up effects. I also think this movie was produced by Dramamine and I really want one of those Dramamine posters.

Love this outfit:

This caught me off-guard (have your sound on):



i’m the wishmaster :grinning:

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It was getting late last night when I decided to pause my rewatch of No Country For Old Men. Had to get up in six hours and I didn’t know how much was left. In the morning after waking up I just right away opened my laptop and hit play to finish things off. So, Tommy Lee Jones just says “and then I woke up” and then movie ends. Had the timing of a joke, but it took six hours to be told. I thought it was pretty funny in the moment.